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Anybody know about Wills
m8kwr - 28/1/11 at 06:56 PM

My Dad uncles died about 15 months ago, and I know my Dad was in the Will, but my Dad passed away over 2 years ago, so apparently all that my Dad was getting is coming to my brother and myself. My Dads uncle's wife is still alive. We have always thought that they have their separate money

My Mom has seen the will, and its to be split into 3 (I forget the words used), between my Dad and his 2 cousins. And thats it, but underneath my Dad it mentioned us.

My Mom has said that it is all done at the solicitors, but neither my brother or I have heard anything from anyone.

We are going to pass all money back to my mom, as we were told that she was included when my Dad died, but that never happened for whatever reason.

What can I do to actually find out what is going on, as now my Mom thinks it has gone into Trust. But what does that mean.

Any advise would be great.

designer - 28/1/11 at 07:05 PM

Can't advise, but I understand that all wills are 'pubic domain', and available for anybody to read. They must be kept somewhere.

Humbug - 28/1/11 at 07:09 PM

[I'm not a solicitor alert]

Well, you need to see the will first, to check what's actually in it. If your Dad died before your uncle, then the estate goes to the remaining named beneficiaries, unless it says something like "X% to my brother Fred. If my brother Fred dies before me, then his share to be passed on to his children m8kwr and Bill". If it doesn't have the bit covering your Dad dying first then legally nothing comes to you "AFAIK"

Can't you contact his cousins to find out who the solicitor is/was?

[/I'm not a solicitor alert]

RobBrown - 28/1/11 at 07:41 PM

Wills used to be stored at Somerset House, but it appears that this has changed. The SomersetHouse Website has some detail


I hope it gives you what you need


thunderace - 28/1/11 at 09:19 PM

""""My Dads uncle's wife is still alive""""
have you asked her about it ?

JohnN - 28/1/11 at 11:17 PM

If probate has been granted, then a copy of the will is available for anybody to see. Try looking up the phone number of the nearest probate office to where your uncle lived, they will be able to advise you how to get to see the will. This will tell you who the executors were/are.

Executors have the legal responsibility to deal with the estate exactly as prescribed in the will.

Chippy - 28/1/11 at 11:21 PM

Don't know if this would be relevant, but when my uncle died it took nearly a year before the will was cleared due to his estate being "a bit complicated". Regards Ray