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throttle cable
vinnievector - 8/11/09 at 11:21 AM

Hi ,i would like to pick your brains on throttle cable to peddle attachment , returns routing springs etc and cable adjustments, pics and ideas please on your mk indy . vin

lotusmadandy - 8/11/09 at 01:21 PM

I used a universal kit bought from mk for
£4 to fix the cable to the peddle.
As regards return springs and routing,
it depends on what carbs/injection you are fitting.
I have bike carbs on a zetec and have used the cable adjuster from the bike.
I have fitted a return spring where he return cable goes and hooked it onto
the return cable outer fitting(if that makes any sense)


austin man - 8/11/09 at 01:57 PM

Whatever method you use its essential the the mounting on the pedal end can pivot otherwise the cable will snap over time. I would also suggest running 2 cables 1 as a back up if one fails as done on the webber set up.

Im using standard bike brake cables for my twin 40 set up. No problems in 3 years of running

vinnievector - 9/11/09 at 11:48 PM

Thanks for the reply Hi to lotus .