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Anglesey racing 750Mc 6th 7th June
procomp - 13/5/09 at 02:40 PM


The next race meeting for the 750Mc is at Anglesey on the 6th and 7th of June.

Darn i was going to put the Link up but it's only a video form. should have looked first. I will update when the entry list is published on line.

Who's testing then. I am as i have never driven the new circuit layout before. So quite looking foward to this weekend and hopefully with a slightly better performing engine.

Cheers Matt

ironside - 13/5/09 at 02:42 PM

Do you know which layout we're doing?

procomp - 13/5/09 at 02:50 PM


Coastal i think. Thats what we ran last year and i have not heard anything to say this year will be different. Famous last words

Cheers Matt

Ps there are a few videos around with that layout. One from a Kit car driver from last year. Custartdtart who is also a forum member.

modee - 13/5/09 at 04:58 PM

Hi Matt.
We're coming out to play again. We will be testing on Friday afternoon so you can show Brendan the way around.

pumpers - 13/5/09 at 05:15 PM

I'm coming to play

Testing Friday afternoon.

C U there Matt ( and everyone else !)


procomp - 13/5/09 at 05:17 PM


Me show Brendan the way round LOL. I thought he had his own lines that where slightly different to the ones that the rest of us use .

I shall be running the engine in during the morning session. So i will be following stevezoid Mr evans As he had some good times round there last year on his test day.

Cheers Matt

Ps what do you rekon on a 1.2.3.

[Edited on 13/5/09 by procomp]

modee - 13/5/09 at 05:33 PM

Hi Matt. We've never raced there before so I'm not making any predictions for 1 2 3 but I'm sure there will be one or two procomps in there.

[Edited on 13/5/09 by modee]

procomp - 14/5/09 at 07:48 AM


Sorry that was typed wrong. Was referring to what you reckoned Brendans chances where 1st 2nd 3rd. IE have you got the engine sorted. Mind a 123 would be some what fantastic. Trouble is our Ali spends more time playing Tokyo drift than he dose moving in a foward direction round Anglesey. However he may well be up for a good result after his win at brands.

Craig. You'Ve done a few laps round there . Do you have a suitable rear towing eye i can attach a tow rope to. ( espesialy if it's P ing it down if i remeber correctly )

Cheers Matt

TMC Motorsport - 14/5/09 at 01:36 PM

We'll be there with both cars on Friday.
Hopefully the Bio car will be much improved, although I'll only be able to tell if I keep it on the grey bit this time!

I have some video footage from last years test day if anyone is interested. Might be better on a cd and posted though as its a large file!


pumpers - 14/5/09 at 03:20 PM

Your tow rope can be attrached anytime Matt, when you come flying past me i can use the sling shot effect to assist my cornering speed!!

Got a few laps in last year and was doing ok till my prop exploded !!I've got an new one now so that shouldn't be an issue this year

Had to change back to a 3.9 diff though cos the 4.1 i reconned is whining it's t*ts off and the 4.1 you reconed is also whining it's t*ts off. Will be bringing them both along for you to have another look at. The 3.9 should be ok for this track though ( I hope)

c u there


gogs - 15/5/09 at 08:46 AM

I will testing on Friday afternoon too, looks like there will be a fair few following you around Craig


pumpers - 15/5/09 at 09:25 AM

If I stay with you and Matt and can even see Brendan then I know i'm doing well !!!

Getting giddy now !!

c u all soon


TMC Motorsport - 15/5/09 at 10:38 AM

Right, testing video is now up on Youtube...

Apparently it's still being processed so it might not work right away!

As always there will be a complete circuit guide going up on my website in about a weeks time.


TimC - 20/5/09 at 12:22 PM

Does anyone happen to have a couple of spare tickets?

procomp - 20/5/09 at 12:40 PM

Hi Tim

I should have two spare.

But you'll have to promise to watch the locost race and not just the RGB.

Cheers Matt

mlees91 - 20/5/09 at 06:21 PM

who would not want to watch the locost racing

matt have u got your engine done now and are you running it properly there or just running it in all weekend


procomp - 20/5/09 at 06:44 PM


Haven'T had time to start pulling the engine out as yet too much work on the go. It will however bee all sorted and hopefully on the pace. will do some of the running in in the workshop by putting a few Hrs on the engine and bed it all in on the Friday morning. Also got my new camera and mountinfg to sort out and other jobs to get the car all ready.

Cheers Matt

Ps i did get you email Max i will have a look at the tyres at Anglsey and see whats needed.

procomp - 21/5/09 at 08:20 AM


Welcome to the forum Mark. ( gogs )

Have you got that diff changed yet. Sorry i meant has Ray got that diff changed yet

Cheers Matt

gogs - 21/5/09 at 01:00 PM

Give me chance, i only got the gasket off you yesterday


[Edited on 21/5/09 by gogs]

procomp - 21/5/09 at 01:43 PM


Just winding the pressure up. It's my new tactic to slow you down so i have a better chance

Cheers Matt

mlees91 - 21/5/09 at 03:43 PM

what diff are you putting in mark i thought u had the 4.1 with the 4 speed box so i did not think u wanted 2 change

gogs - 22/5/09 at 07:50 AM

I am putting the 4:1 back in, i tried the 4:4 at Brands last time out.


mlees91 - 24/5/09 at 05:32 PM

i have a 3.9 diff if u want 2 try that

TMC Motorsport - 27/5/09 at 10:42 AM

Hi all,

My Anglesey guide is now up. Apologies for the delay this time round, but it is a little more comprehensive than normal.

As always, comments or ways to improve it are always welcome.


modee - 27/5/09 at 12:41 PM

Final instructions etc. on 750 website. Full grid of locosts.


procomp - 27/5/09 at 02:50 PM


Direct link to the entry list and paddock plan and timetable can be found HERE.

Racing over the weekend includes: LOCOST - RGB - STOCK HATCH - MR 2's - GOLF GTI - SAXMAX - FORMULA VEE - FORMULA 4 - FORMULA 750 .

As usual there will be many forum members racing over the weekend.

LOCOST: #3p Alister Garret - #4p Scott mittell - #6 Richardjenkins - #8 TMC - #9 Gloves - #15 gib1et - #25 Richd - #28p Blackie - #39p stevetzoid - #42 ironside - #43 simes43 - #47 Rob Palin - #52p procomp - #53p gogs - #56p modee - #63 pumpers - #91p mlees91 .

RGB: #2 progers - #21 MK9R.

Any forum members attending feel free to have a chat take the mickey ect. All of the above drivers are friendly. And the kettles always on in the Procomp motorhome.

Cheers Matt

PS if i have missed any one else of the above list please Shout up.

[Edited on 28/5/09 by procomp]

Rob Palin - 27/5/09 at 09:08 PM

*cough* *cough*

#47 also coming out to play at Anglesey!

procomp - 28/5/09 at 08:14 AM

Hi Rob

Do you know how many times i went over that list before hitting the post button. I knew there would be one or two i had forgotten.

I was hoping you where not going to race so i could come and nick your engine back. However at 7pm last night we eventually found the reason for my lack of performance at Mallory. All i will say is F##$~~~g Kent cams. Question is have they got cams and followers in stock Hmm.

Cheers Matt

procomp - 28/5/09 at 08:49 AM


Whats up with team Allied racing. Only one of three drivers out. Wheres our leader.

Also just read the TRC article on the locosts. There's a few miss quotes in the article. One off them means that all catering for the locosts is now down to TMC.

Ill start the orders of with a full English each morning with a spread of sandwiches for lunch and and and It will only make sense if you read the article. Have you had a copy Matt ( TMC ) some descent pictures of the car. Or shall i bring a copy to Anglesey.

Cheers Matt

pumpers - 28/5/09 at 09:48 AM

WTF is going on, I'm down as 1st reserve!!

Reading the regs this means theres a good chance that I won't even get to race and if I do then I'll probably be starting at the back ( yes, I know, i'm somewhere back there normally but not last!!!).

I'm into the weekend for over £400 ( testing, race entry, B + B) and theres no guarantee I'll even race !!

Has anyone else been in this situation and what happened? Did you manage to race or not?
I was really looking forward to this as I only do 6 races a year, this being one of them and now it looks like I wont be racing.

Craig no 63
seriously pissed off.

TMC Motorsport - 28/5/09 at 10:19 AM

Hi Matt,

I'm not altogether sure where that one came from, but if a kettle suffices then catering it is! I have seen the article thanks, but I'm sure there will be others that haven't if you have a spare copy or two to bring to Anglesey.
I thought John's comments were quite insightful, although he has put a little pressure on us with the caption under one of the photos of the Bio car!

Good publicity for the Locosts though, I think John thoroughly enjoyed driving them. It would be nice to tempt him out for a race in the future.


Rob Palin - 28/5/09 at 12:07 PM


I've been a reserve a few times and it is pretty awful. The first time i ever went to Brands i was 6th reserve and the 5 ahead of me all got in. I ended up sitting at the end of the pit lane, all kitted up and engine running, waiting for the first three racing laps to be completed then packing up & heading home. Utterly miserable.

On the plus side, if you're 1st reserve then there is a reasonable chance you'll get into at least one of the races as it'll only take one car to have some misfortune.

Having been so burned by this in the past i now do the bulk entry for all the races i hope to compete in at the start of the season and then cancel if i have to, for whatever reason. It's definitely better to cancel than to enter each one at a time (though Sharon at the 750MC might kick my arse for suggesting that!).


p.s. Matt P - No you bloody well can't have my engine back! ;-) This thing's brilliant and i'm not letting it go!

Richd - 28/5/09 at 12:30 PM

Team Allied will be represented by me at anglesey. Will be setting off about tuesday to get there for Friday pm test. (looking forward to about 7 hours of "are we there yet dad" ) do I need my passport?

unfortunately the other allied members will not be in attendance, we made an executive decision that, as we were heading into sheep country, there would be too much of a risk of them not getting enough sleep to be able to do justice to the team. We are also a little worried about the oulton round as we would have to travel over the pennines where we understand there are some particularly attractive swaledale ewes.

gogs - 28/5/09 at 12:39 PM


I have been reserve for meetings at Mallory and Silverstone in the past and both times got to race - when have you ever known 100% reliability in Locosts?
I got in as reserve at Mallory because one of the drivers had forgotten to do his wheelnuts up and was driving around the formation lap "dropping his nuts" along the way!

I second Rob's point, the bulk entry is the way to go - enter those meetings you want to do at the start of the year. Failing that, get your entry in to Sharon on the opening date for that meeting to make sure you beat the rush.


simes43 - 28/5/09 at 01:27 PM

Bulk is the way to go.

Once you receive the tickets, cancel your entry and a full refund will be yours.

Thats what I do. Keeps the car from harms way too

pumpers - 28/5/09 at 06:08 PM

Tx for the replies guys. I'm thinking I'm gonna cancel as theres no guarantee i will get to race and it's alot of money on the off chance. I'll do a couple of trackdays instead at cadwell so i can kick all ur arses up there ))

Can't do brands cos it's my brother's wedding so I'll see you all at Cadwell.

Anyone know if I'll get my money back for the test session i've booked in the Friday?



procomp - 28/5/09 at 07:05 PM

Hi Craig

Have a word with Robin. You will certainly get a large percentage of the entry fee back if you do not actually get too race. Although obviously it's the traveling ect where you loose out.

Cheers Matt

pumpers - 29/5/09 at 02:19 PM


Just rang Robin to cancel. Someone has dropped out so I'm in !!!

from being seriuosly p*****d off to big big grin!!

C u All Friday !! ( if your testing) If not, cU Sat.

Well chuffed !! And I've just won £100 playing poker !!

[Edited on 29/5/09 by pumpers]

simes43 - 29/5/09 at 02:45 PM

And it wasn't me.............

Richd - 1/6/09 at 09:47 AM

Originally posted by simes43
And it wasn't me.............

So who's car have you borrowed then

simes43 - 1/6/09 at 11:24 AM

It's geared for cruising, has the fuel capacity to be driven to Anglesey and it's owner is based in Peterborough........

Richd - 1/6/09 at 01:46 PM

It'll be interesting to see if you can still remember how these cars work. It's surprising how much skill degradation you get if you miss a few races. Then theres all that weight you've put on since you last raced, its got to effect your car's performance.

Don't worry though si, remember stick to your line and let the cars that are lapping you find their own way through.

are you testing Friday?

procomp - 1/6/09 at 01:52 PM


LOL he is now you've started trying to wind him up.

Cheers Matt

pointy - 1/6/09 at 01:55 PM

So not only will I miss the sexy looking sheep in Wales i'm now gonna miss a fight...Bundle, bundle,bundle....Repeat to fade.

Andy p

simes43 - 1/6/09 at 02:28 PM

I will use the Friday test to polish my mirrors in anticipation.

[Edited on 1/6/09 by simes43]

procomp - 2/6/09 at 11:14 AM


" I will use the Friday test to polish my mirrors in anticipation. " That was the polite reply. What was the original one you edited

Cheers Matt

simes43 - 2/6/09 at 01:37 PM

You know me Matt, I will just potter about, keeping out of the way of the front runners, maintaining a low profile.

I learnt this approach from RichD

ernie - 2/6/09 at 02:41 PM

Now Chaps, I find this thread very interesting and I relay most of it to SWMBO. Who in turn, is frustrated that she cannot read them for herself as has not got the password for this site ( bearing in mind my ongoing season costs log). So can you please post some on the locost forum to which we get email updates as it has been a bit quiet of late. So hope you all have a great time on the west coast this weekend and that TMC has got lots of grub to keep you going

Richd - 2/6/09 at 03:19 PM

Originally posted by simes43

I learnt this approach from RichD

i should think you did, judging by the amount of time you spent parked up at the side of the track watching the racing

procomp - 2/6/09 at 03:29 PM


Sat night is going to be a good night.

TMC doing the grub for all locosters. And now the new locost comedy act . Si & rich. The new punch and Judy show.
Only the highest placed finisher will be allowed to say " That's the way to do it "

Cheers Matt

procomp - 3/6/09 at 07:36 AM


Is there any one else running the DL1 Race-logic data logger at Anglesey. I seem to remeber seeing some one using one but can't think who. Just after some caparison regarding signal / satellite strength and track map accuracy on the day.

Cheers Matt

simes43 - 3/6/09 at 08:18 AM

I believe that Dec used one.

Anyone got a Racepak G2x to work? Ever?

gib1et - 3/6/09 at 08:52 AM

Matt, I'll be running a Race Technology DL1 at Anglesey.


progers - 3/6/09 at 12:31 PM

Hi Matt,

I will be running a DL1. I even have a LAP file I can send you if you ask nicely

- Paul

procomp - 8/6/09 at 07:50 AM


Thanks for the offers with the DL1 Jason Paul. It appears the track mapping is actually very accurate. It shows my excursions over the rumble strips very clearly. It's also water proof i have discovered. .

Results and a few vids to follow shortly. Although you cant see much on the first as there is a light amount of rain falling. And the second vid starts to steam up from the dampness still inside the camera casing from the first race.

Hope all have dried out.

Cheers Matt

Andy D - 8/6/09 at 08:16 AM

Had a bit of a broken up phonecall from Rich D on his way home, sounded like a weekend to forget for team Allied...

....bit wet was it?...

pumpers - 8/6/09 at 10:15 AM

It was certainly a weekend to forget for me!! Clutch exploded on first lap of qualifying. No warning, no slippage just bang!
Car was running ok on friday testing with no sign of any clutch problems.
I'm seriously considering packing it in after this latest problem. It's not the clutch, but the culmination of all sorts of problems I have had. I can't help thinking that if I fix the clutch then something else will go bang next time out. ( There can't be much else as everything is new !)
The time, money ( which I struggle to get together at the best of times) don't seem to be worthwhile for the amount of tracktime I actually get. Last weekend cost me £400 and I got half a lap of qualifying. Thats not a decent return and it's not the first or even second time it's happened to me. Maybe i'm just unlucky,jinxed or don't do the right preparation. I don't know, I think i've done everything and checked everything and then something else goes bang ! All I want to do is race, track days just don't do it for me which is why I've persevered but it's now got to the stage when I think maybe it isn't worth it.

The only problem is I can't think of anything else that will give me the buzz. If I could then I think I would cut my losses and walk away. Motorbikes is the only alternative I can think of but the missus is seriuosly against this and the thought of a high side doesn't exactly float my boat.

Seriuosly pissed off.

Andy D - 8/6/09 at 11:46 AM

It's all about highs and lows I guess.. Comparing trackdays with racing, you'll get higher "highs", but unfortunately the downside being, lower "lows".

Just found this bit of Anglesey tubage. Oh dear..

Richd - 8/6/09 at 01:43 PM

Loved every minute of it, especially saturday, tacking into the wind down the back straight & watching people spin on the straights. Aquaplaning with an evil crosswind. Fantastic.

Sunday, much better with Team allied's only representative (me) conducting a spirited fight from 27th on the grid (Wet qualifying and "big jessie" behind the wheel). eventually finished 15th Passing Procomp Matt twice in the last three corners just to rub it in

Well Done scott "Rainmeister" Mittel & Ali Garrett for their wins.

Fantastic Circuit in the dry!

Bring on Brands!!!

gib1et - 8/6/09 at 04:13 PM

I had an eventful time.

When the red lights went out on Sunday there was an almighty bang as first gear distributed itself evenly around the inside of my gearbox. Having diagnosed that the engine, clutch and prop were still serviceable a quick stir of the very metallic porridge located 2nd gear of sorts and then a race with the 750 amulance commenced. It took a poor line through the first corner so I just edged it :-) Two laps later when I thought that the bits of first had found new home the whole transmission ground to a halt and I drifted majestically and silently to the infield. Another systems check followed and second was selected once more. One slight whiff of clutch later and I was on my way again with 14 mins remaining having made the descision that using second again would be tempting fate. I managed to finish using only 3rd and 4th wondering if the gearbox was going to lock up again! I wouldn't recommend it to anyone, it's not very relaxing.

Better luck next time I hope


procomp - 9/6/09 at 07:04 AM


The results are up online.



Rich you cheeky bugger the first was under yellow and the second i let you through. Having given up on getting any traction from the back end of this Luego chassis i think i must have waved through about 4 people . All i will say is that by Monday lunch time the rear wings where of the car and the chassis brackets where being modded and new trailing arms made. I was not supposed to be taking this college car that competatively mid field positions where all that was required. LOL

It has to be said though that as usual the racing was very close espesialy on the seriously wet Saturday race. And despite the fact we had a few spinners at 90 odd MPH going up to rocket and a few in other areas. The driving standards where fantastic. Everyone who started finished in one piece. Sprinkler systems to be installed at every circuit i rekon i thoroughly enjoyed the wet race. Mind putting a wet race suit back on Sunday afternoon was not the nicest feeling in the world.
I have the vid down loaded just got to find the time to edit it and pop it on line.

Cheers Matt

Ps Scott & Ali. Well done lads

Pps Can't wait for Brands as it's the colleges home circuit. And it's been quite some time since i drove round there. But am 1st reserve at the mo

[Edited on 9/6/09 by procomp]

simes43 - 9/6/09 at 08:20 AM

So RichD

One all then.

Richd - 9/6/09 at 09:29 AM

Matt, you let me past on the second last corner of the last lap. v generous indeed

we need an adjudicator.....

Si, How did it look from where you were watching?

simes43 - 9/6/09 at 09:46 AM

Si, How did it look from where you were watching?

Ok in the first race. I could just make out your car through the spray. I understand the marshalls were getting their blue flags ready for you.

In the second. Tyre smoke, sky, grass.......

procomp - 9/6/09 at 12:10 PM


LOL 2 laps earlier i pulled over to the right on the entrance of the corkscrew and waved a pack of 3-4 through. Not to mention Mark at church. When i say i had given up trust me i had given up. I was thinking towards the end of the race that the car was only fit for drag racing

Cheers Matt

pointy - 9/6/09 at 07:07 PM

Can't wait for Brands as it's the colleges home circuit. And it's been quite some time since i drove round there. But am 1st reserve at the mo

And i'm second reserve....

Andy p

mlees91 - 9/6/09 at 07:26 PM

matt i dnt believe your the first reseve anymore simon ironside has pulled out on monday
