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ChrisGamlin - 17/12/08 at 10:14 PM

Hi Chaps

Some of you may have noticed that Ive not been on here for a while. I got married in the summer and have been busy with a house extension since, and given the lack of use the car has had in the last year or more, I've very reluctantly decided to sell it.

So, if anyone wants a genuinely high specced track biased (but road legal) BEC, then have a look at my ad in the For Sale section. Hope you don't mind the plug on here, I think after 3500 virtually exclusively BEC related posts though I can hopefully take that liberty


[Edited on 17/12/08 by ChrisGamlin]

adithorp - 17/12/08 at 11:15 PM

Sorry to hear your parting company with it Chris. I hope your not leaving us for good. You came up with the cure for my first problem that I ever posted on here.


ChrisGamlin - 17/12/08 at 11:36 PM

Cheers Adrian, I'll still be around and about, probably wont have a BEC for the forseeable future but will hopefully still do the odd trackday in a BatCat.

I'd like to build another at some point when I have the time, and ultimately would like to do a bit of RGB racing, but will have to see how things pan out.


richard thomas - 20/12/08 at 09:15 AM

That's a pity Chris....

Hope you get what you're after for it!