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Hayabusa gen 11 manual free
noc231073 - 10/5/12 at 07:06 PM

I have a pdf of a hayabusa gen 11 manual .. its big to send by email.... if anyone want a copy ...
maybe you can help me figure out how i could get it to you ... I am sure there is some file share website i could up load it too.. any ideas

MikeFellows - 10/5/12 at 07:08 PM

our of curiosity, whats the quality of yours like

I could upload one to dropbox in a few mins, mine is 14Mb which should give an indication of quality

MikeFellows - 10/5/12 at 07:11 PM

I lied its 36Mb, im sticking on dropbox, I have a few other bits too I will stick on there - links to follow

MikeFellows - 10/5/12 at 07:14 PM

Hayabusa K8 High Res Colour Wiring Diagram

Hayabusa K8 ECU Pinout Diagram

Suzuki GSX1300R K9 Manual

thats everything I have

noc231073 - 10/5/12 at 07:15 PM

one 35mb and the other is 15mb one is the k8 the other is k9

MikeFellows - 10/5/12 at 07:16 PM

sounds like the same ones

they are uploaded anyway

noc231073 - 10/5/12 at 07:29 PM

good man just tought id share

MikeFellows - 10/5/12 at 07:30 PM

i had been meaning to do it for ages

and i already had dropbox setup for other bits, didnt meant to hijack your thread