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Richard Quinn - 7/9/07 at 01:32 PM

I’ve been looking around at some of the flatshifter/trickshifter type options and they all appear to have their limitations. In an ideal world I would be looking at a paddle shift with cable operation with full throttle up shifts and throttle blip on the down shift. I know that some of the systems will give this capability, but will any of them work with a cable linkage rather than a rod linkage?

StevieB - 7/9/07 at 01:35 PM

Get in touch with Pathfinder - he's been developing something. have a look in his photo archive.

It looks a neat bit of kit and does everything you want (I think) - I'll certainly be upgrading to something of that ilk eventually.

Mr Rob - 7/9/07 at 02:48 PM

I take it your building a BEC. If so why not use an electronic shift. These are ready made kits for bikes and are simple to fit.

grazo - 9/10/07 at 12:26 AM

try Flatshifter at i think they work with cable/electronic and air assisted gear shifts had good reports of them

Bitten hero - 9/10/07 at 04:49 PM

Hi, i have the klictronic shifter with the trickshifter full throttle up/blip downchange and have made some paddles to activate the buttons very neat and small -looks the mutts . works a dream

robby - 23/10/07 at 08:59 PM

made my own with halfords compressor, fire extinguisher, valve and ram from local bearing supplier, and two micro switches using the wiring for the horn. think it cost about £130 for bits. done 3000 miles this summer wi no probs. will try and get photos up for you, but poo wi computer... robby