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Which car to choose??
Kenka of Sweden - 23/1/05 at 08:34 PM

Hello everybody!

I'm new on this forum, this is my first post.

I've been thinking of building Locost next winter, gonna start collecting "all" the things i need in advance...

Before I do so, I have a little question:

I've been looking att Haler Concepts site and am a little confused... I copied the text below from there site

"The Viento also gives the driver and passenger a more comfortable drive with
it's extra width and length in the cockpit area. So no more bumping arms or
half your body hanging out of the car. This extra room also gives the
driver and passenger a safer feel when zooming along those country roads."

The question is if I should go for the extra room or if it's unecessary, ie go for the locost or the velocity. I'm about 1.80 meters tall and normally built.

Thankfull for all replies

[Edited on 23/1/05 by Kenka of Sweden]

hurf69 - 23/1/05 at 09:56 PM

im 186cm and have a velocity with a 1800 zetec in kicks out about 140 bhp and its very quick . A mate of mine has a 360 ferrari and upto about 90 mph i wee on him . go for a velocity as the viento is like a hummer (toooooooo heavy) what engine you got ?

wilkingj - 23/1/05 at 11:22 PM

The Viento is for Bat Fastards like me.
5' 10" & 18.5 Stone.

I have trouble getting out of a Locost / Westfield / Velocity size motor. No probs getting in. (Phwlop - In he goes!)

I would suggest you try sitting in as many different models as you can get your hands on. Try getting in and out several times in each car and see how you get on. If you are not in a huge hurry, visit the next show and try them. Also the leg length is an issue, but not in the Viento.
This may not be a problem if you are young and reasonably fit. But Old Codgers like me aint what we used to be!.
So there you have it.

A Viento gives you the option of a nice V8 with some decent power. I am aiming for about 220 - 250Bhp from my Rover V8. Should be enough for me to play with.

Yes its a bit heavier than a Velocity or a Westie / Locost car... but then So am I!!

Also a bigger passenger seat / footwell means you can fit in more Beer Crates

Kenka of Sweden - 24/1/05 at 09:41 AM

I'm thinking of going for a Ford Pinto 2.0i, possibily a turbocharged one if it fits under the hood...

The problem for me is that there are not that many shows where I live, way up in the north of sweden...

On the other hand, my location gives me long winters to spend in the garage building and polishing

Micael - 24/1/05 at 09:56 AM

Hi Kenka

There are a coulpe of guys building Locosts in the upper north.

Have a look at

tks - 24/1/05 at 01:30 PM

pulling out a F 360 modena...

i'm building also a velicity but with less BHP as you.. (110) but also less weight (Engine,clutch,gearbox 60KGss..)bike powered)...

i have never ever driven a super 7 and only have seen 2 race mod..

i can't wait to ride mine a bit...


hurf69 - 24/1/05 at 07:00 PM

i assume your going for a fireblade unit, very nice and very revvvvvvy .

you would prob keep up with mine im sure so how come you never driven 1.


tks - 30/1/05 at 08:30 PM

i'm using a VFR 800 as power unit

i like electronics (injection)

i like V4

it was cheap for me.

i also wanted a bit of economic fuel consumption....(i'm young etc..)

i have neder driven one..wy no holland / spain there aren't very much of this type of cars....


hurf69 - 30/1/05 at 08:41 PM

engine will be very good i want a bike engine now to get some more revs .
good luck

Snuggs - 31/1/05 at 08:53 PM

Go for the Viento and put a real engine in it (V8)
I am 5' 7" and 11st (10st if I dont count the beer gut)
Nothing sounds as nice as a V8 wth straight thru pipes