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Time to sell - What's my Viento worth?
SteveWallace - 1/7/23 at 02:50 PM

I've reluctantly decided that the time has come to sell my Viento. I'm simply not using it enough due to other commitments, and I need the garage space for other projects. It will be better in the hands of someone that will use it more.

Searching on here will reveal the build log, which received favourable comments at the time. I've just MOT'ed and serviced it. The MOT does have an advisory "suspension arm pin or bush worn but not resulting in excessive movement Offside Rear Upper".

If I was keeping it, I would do the easy replace of the M52 inlet manifold for the M50 one for about 30HP extra. If you really wanted to go mad with it then you could replace the current 2.8 BMW straight 6 with an M3 engine as the mounts are the same.

I know that the purists on her don't like Viento's because they are bigger than a small child's roller skate and weigh more than a wet paper bag, but for a 6'2" person like me they are great fun and it will still out perform most factory road cars that cost a lot more money

Also, other than advertising on here, where is the best place to sell a kit car these days now that the shows are going down hill? These don't come up often, so any thoughts on value other than 'whatever you can get for it' comments?


rusty nuts - 1/7/23 at 04:41 PM

Might be worth trying the Newark show ? Or maybe one of the kitcar forums on Facebook? Can’t help with a price . Good luck with the sale

dhutch - 10/7/23 at 09:13 PM

eBay? Else yes, faceache.