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Fuel tank protection
Twin40 - 3/4/12 at 09:54 AM

Hey guys,

Has anyone got a few pics/link of some racing 7's showing the petrol tank area? I'm concerned the fuel tank on my Indy is particularly exposed, just looking for a few options of how to protect it....



scoop - 3/4/12 at 11:19 AM

Are you going to race yours? If so get the rule book from whoever is organising the races and go from there.

Twin40 - 3/4/12 at 11:46 AM

Thats the plan, its not really a specific regulation issue, more of a self preservation one! Caterham regulations mention the use of honeycomb aluminium panels, just wondered if anyone here has used an alternative....?

here's a pic showing the current tank 'exposure' (obviously missing the rear panel)


[Edited on 3/4/12 by Twin40]

daniel mason - 3/4/12 at 12:01 PM

i see what you mean. you wouldnt want to ger a rear end shunt in that! i cant see how you could protect it massively, i was wondering the same as my mnr is similar and there are so many idiots on the road it may be worth investigating

scoop - 3/4/12 at 01:29 PM

How about turning it 180 and mounting it above your diff? But then that's raises the weight. Or in the passenger side to balance the car? Ther is so little space to play with.

Bluemoon - 3/4/12 at 04:10 PM

On my indy I had MK put the old back hoop on (as per book) and vertical uprights behind the tank, this also allows a spare wheel fixing point in it's center.. Thus my tank is surrounded by the space frame.. I don't have a full cage..



jacko - 3/4/12 at 04:19 PM

Originally posted by scoop
How about turning it 180 and mounting it above your diff? But then that's raises the weight. Or in the passenger side to balance the car? Ther is so little space to play with.

That's how mine is above the diff i think it helps with traction and helps stop the pendulum effect

spiderman - 3/4/12 at 07:29 PM

Originally posted by scoop
Or in the passenger side to balance the car?

Not a good place if you get T Boned, ruptured tank next to the driver in the passenger compartment. Not for me thanks.

scoop - 3/4/12 at 08:20 PM

No matter where you sit in the car you are no more than a couple of feet from the tank
Just keep it full!