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wilwood brackets?
robby - 20/11/06 at 07:15 PM

bought wilwood 4 pot calipers, never got mounting brackets, gonna make my own, as i think i'll be able to use bigger discs. has anyone got photos of brackets - in case there's an easy way?! cheers! ps cortina uprights

Jon Ison - 20/11/06 at 07:22 PM

They are machined blocks of alloy, can take a pic tomorrow if you wish but they are on car so you wont see it all.

Have too ask why bigger discs ? You will have more than enough braking power on std sized ones especially in a BEC, I went from vented too solid on std size too save weight and got better braking as the pads got up too temp quicker, dont forget your pulling up less than 1/2 the weight the brakes where designed too stop.

robby - 20/11/06 at 08:08 PM

aye, thought i'd get away wi a bit of alu. haven't decided about bigger discs yet, mate with sprint car says i'll need all the brakes i can get - only cos he's trying to sell me his 270bhp supercharged engine! the photo's would be good, if not too much bother? cheers!

suparuss - 20/11/06 at 08:19 PM

here is a piccy of some ive made for my rear callipers since willwood dont do brackets to fit a rear calliper to a front upright, duh!
the fronts that came with the cortina kit are pretty much the same but i dont have a decent pic to hand.

rear calliper bracket
rear calliper bracket

[Edited on 20/11/06 by suparuss]

Jon Ison - 20/11/06 at 08:21 PM

Will grab some tomorrow when its light, a lot of the RGB boys turn down discs too make them even thinner and lighter than std ones, up too 30mins races with plenty of stopping power, my advice would be too think hard about it, you can over brake the car and end up with brakes that lock up with the slightest touch or don't get up too temperature and end up been less effective than std set up. Remember your not using any BHP too slow down, mine get me down from 130mph+ in 6th too 40mph in 1st quicker than I can get down the gears.

StevieB - 20/11/06 at 08:57 PM

I'd be interested in the results as I want to fit Wilwood's to my car but don't want the full kit as they use bigger discs - Standard sierra discs are all that's necessary but with decent pads.

How have you machined the ali blocks - are they just made to shape and then drilled or are they threaded?

suparuss - 20/11/06 at 09:04 PM

fortunately i have a miling head on me lathe, but needed it because the offset required me to machine a rebate as the mating face to the upright. you should be able to get away with a simple block if you choose the right discs in which case you can just drill and tap the block (accurately though) and may need to cut a bit out of the top where the calliper mounts because the mating faces on the calliper are set back from the body, which you can see in my pic.



StevieB - 20/11/06 at 09:07 PM

I'm thinking that if I can get the spec right, I could get some machined properly by someone who has the right tools/knows how to use them.

I'm sure there'd be a few people looking for mounting blocks to put Powerlites over standard sierra discs.

robby - 20/11/06 at 09:13 PM

cheers jon, but if they're the same idea as russ's ones, then don't bother getting photos for me, thanks anyway!