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Detling live build pics
dozracing - 6/4/05 at 06:03 PM

Saturday morning started like this..... Rescued attachment start-build.jpg
Rescued attachment start-build.jpg

dozracing - 6/4/05 at 06:06 PM

Sunday afternoon finished like this..... Rescued attachment finish-build.jpg
Rescued attachment finish-build.jpg

Triton - 6/4/05 at 06:40 PM

Looks good, prefer the black over the traffic red.

scotty g - 6/4/05 at 06:49 PM

Very nice Darren and co, wish i could of gone on sunday as well and seen the finished thing. Good job.

turbodisplay - 6/4/05 at 10:52 PM

Didn`t get to see anything as i was at my stand 95% of the time.
Anyone see me? I was by the noble.

Had one ammusing event, asked someone what they were building and the said they were going to build a bike powered locost.
I said you know that there is no reverese what are you going to do for reverse?
The look on his face when he realised this was quite amusing.

I`m glad i have helped one person at least with good advice!!!!


tom_loughlin - 7/4/05 at 10:47 AM

nice one darren - it looks great!
do you have any more pics?