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Anyone been in touch with Darren lately?
birdii - 21/9/06 at 02:43 PM

Before i start, this isn't a 'hunt Darren' thread!

I just wondered if GTS have been open for business the last couple of weeks?
I have phoned Darrens mobile quite a few times on different days with no answer, and sent 3 or 4 emails but no replies, it seems a little unusual.
Has anyone mangaed to get in touch lately or is there a problem?


nludkin - 21/9/06 at 03:27 PM

Have you tried the following numbers? They are for the workshop where he is based.

Tel: 01474 709902
Mob: 07768 448827

He will either be there or someone there will know where he is.

scotty g - 21/9/06 at 05:18 PM

There is always someone at the workshop, they even have have a secretary now although she is only part time, still, brightens the workshop up a lot

Macbeast - 21/9/06 at 05:56 PM

When you send Darren e-mails, you should get an auto response saying he will reply within 24 hrs. If you didn't get this, your mail probably didn't get there.

Gav - 21/9/06 at 08:25 PM

I spoke to Darren several times last couple of weeks on the workshop number.

Sometimes he does seem very hard to get hold of though, spoke to scott a few times at GTS too, top bloke.

birdii - 21/9/06 at 08:27 PM

Thanks i'll try the workshop numbers some more tomorrow.
I do get the auto response from the emails.
I don't find it very funny at all when i can't get hold of him, its not through lack of effort i assure you!

Anyway, i don't want this thread to turn into something else, i just wanted to check that GTS are open for business as usual, i'll keep trying the phones tomorrow.

dozracing - 26/9/06 at 04:10 PM

Hi all,

I have been away on other business this past week, but, back at it today trying to catch up.

Kind regards,
