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GTS Owners Club (OC) is live
flak monkey - 10/11/06 at 10:13 PM


The GTS owners club is now online and can be found at:

Many thanks must go to Mark (calvinx) for setting up the domain name.

I have generated the beginnings of a website and forum. What do you think of the background colour/text colour and general appearance?

Any other suggestions/improvements would be welcomed.


Mr G - 10/11/06 at 10:42 PM

Davids GTS build and Locost resource website

Link needs to be -



stevec - 10/11/06 at 10:48 PM

Looks good to me,
Nice work Mark.

flak monkey - 10/11/06 at 10:50 PM

Ahh bloody hell i cant even type my own website address!

zetec7 - 11/11/06 at 01:30 AM

Looks great - nice design! But...for those of us computing in dim light (or of advanced age with diminishing ocular acuity...i.e., going blind!) the text could be a little darker to ease reading. Don't think it would adversely affect the look of the page...

ch1ll1 - 11/11/06 at 08:18 AM

Looks ok to me,
theres no link to this site

locoboy - 11/11/06 at 11:36 AM

What sort of pictures do you want of my car David?

Hellfire - 11/11/06 at 07:00 PM

Not wishing to offend but personally I don't think the forum will last very long. MK tried something similar a year or two back and although a few people frequented it regularly, it took ages to get a response to questions because the knowledge base just wasn't there. That's exactly why this forum works so well. It has a massive knowledge base. You can post any question and you get an answer within a reasonable time. Might not be the right one but you can see where I'm coming from.

Good luck with it though in any case.


[Edited on 11-11-06 by Hellfire]

mickebo - 11/11/06 at 11:15 PM

Tried to join, but?
To early?
You can have some pics too.

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[Edited on 2006/11/11 by mickebo]

flak monkey - 13/11/06 at 08:10 PM

The email address is not working at the moment. I think the email thing needs setting up on the DNS which Mark needs to do. Hopefully it will get sorted soon

But for now just be patient


Road_Virus - 20/11/06 at 10:55 PM

i hope to be part of that owners club one day since my bodywork is a GTS one (that last ages to get to my hands but it's here hand loooooook's so greeaaaaat) but it's moving on like a stoped snail but it will be finished eventualy
