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ebay bargain or not!!!
myke pocock - 24/5/11 at 09:18 PM

Locust 7 kit car project on eBay (end time 31-May-11 17:01:56 BST)

Dont think its a LocUst, more a LocOst but dont look right to me. The rear wings would take some fitting to get right and what is that compartment about in the engine bay? The scuttle looks wierd but am I getting picky now?

BenB - 24/5/11 at 09:29 PM

Looks like a crock IMHO. Just plain nasty....

wylliezx9r - 24/5/11 at 09:33 PM

Bargain or not?.............NOT !

ReMan - 24/5/11 at 09:36 PM


Chippy - 24/5/11 at 09:57 PM

Ermmmm! nuf said me thinks. What a pile of poo! Cheers Ray

craig1410 - 24/5/11 at 10:44 PM

Let's look on the bright side, "the engine is in bits but has lots of parts"...

Steer well clear is my advice, this makes my car look like a Rolls Royce and I've seen other builds which make my build look like a trabant!

Dopdog - 25/5/11 at 06:20 AM

looks like a bargin!!!! how much work were you thinking of doing
one for the crusher

whiz - 25/5/11 at 06:36 AM

looks like its been lying in a shed since the 70's. OHH it is a shed lol

Humbug - 25/5/11 at 07:33 AM

"It has a 1973 Ford Escort log book and the necessary plates"... so has it previously been registered (as a Locost) or not? Probably not, if the log book is an Escort one. Wouldn't fancy putting that through IVA