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Anyone have a fuel tank?
David_17 - 4/9/10 at 08:37 PM

Is anyone selling a fuel tank? Plastic or alloy to fit haynes roadster.

Please let me know.



franky - 4/9/10 at 09:15 PM

I've got an unused plastic tank out of a fisher fury if thats of any use? £25

David_17 - 4/9/10 at 09:16 PM

u2u on its way

vtecmike - 4/9/10 at 09:35 PM

hi, sorry for hi jacking, but if someone has a 2nd one, im after 1 too? thanks mike

Charlie_Zetec - 5/9/10 at 02:09 AM

I've got a spare plastic tank in the garage if interested. Drop me a U2U if it's what you're after, and I can take measurements [if required].