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Range Rover Classic Transfer Box (long shot)
mad4x4 - 4/1/12 at 07:40 PM

Long shot but looking for a Range Rover transfer box type LT230 with a 1;1 ratio hink they come from early range rover about '81

[Edited on 4/101/12 by mad4x4]

locost47 - 4/1/12 at 07:54 PM

hi got complete gearbox ,was going to do project but went racing instead,send me email & will take some pics tomo cheers tim

mad4x4 - 5/1/12 at 11:33 AM

u2u sent

If you could find the serial number that will help as it will idendify the ratio

this vid linky
shows you where to find it

[Edited on 5/101/12 by mad4x4]