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Type 9 nose cone
nobby_the_sheep - 10/3/13 at 08:07 AM

Hi guys,

Has anyone got a spare type 9 5sp nose cone that they don't want? Mine's nurdled / got a piece missing on the end of the sleeve.

Could buy one of these;

But ideally looking for a locost solution

Beer tokens waiting.....


[Edited on 10/3/13 by nobby_the_sheep]

snakebelly - 10/3/13 at 09:16 AM

Sure I've got one up the workshop, ill check tomorrow

kickinthenuts - 10/3/13 at 10:51 AM

I also have one your stuck,


nobby_the_sheep - 11/3/13 at 10:17 AM

Cheers Guys!

snakebelly - 11/3/13 at 03:17 PM

I bl00dy know I've got one here somewhere but can't find it for the life of me, over to David :-(

nobby_the_sheep - 11/3/13 at 08:25 PM

David, you have U2U



kickinthenuts - 11/3/13 at 09:54 PM

u2u replied