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Looking to buy
Greenie - 22/5/14 at 01:21 PM

The MK will be off to its new home at the weekend and after great deliberation (and persuading my banker - the wife) I have decided to have to get another case, so just thought I would go on here to see if there is anything out there.

adithorp - 22/5/14 at 01:37 PM

I'd guess there's lots of things out there to buy. Care to narrow it down?

Greenie - 22/5/14 at 01:49 PM

Sorry...... looking for another seven style vehicle.

mrnoluck - 22/5/14 at 02:22 PM

Hi I have a part finished Fisher Fury if your interested, I know its not a "7" but worth asking.

Greenie - 22/5/14 at 02:41 PM

Sorry can't take on any part projects.... No room.

mrnoluck - 22/5/14 at 02:46 PM

Sorry it was not clear what you wanted finished car or project