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Help: quitting a job and unemployment compensation?
Alez - 12/8/09 at 09:58 PM


I want to quit my current job and need to ask you something.

In Spain, when someone quits a job (quit as opposed to switch from one job to another), he or she will typically ask the company to make him or her redundant. That way, he or she can claim the state unemployment compensation he or she is entitled to, and live from that while looking for a job. Eventually, he or she will find a new job which means he or she can't receive compensation anymore. This is by far the most common approach, because if one quits a job voluntarily, no compensation can be claimed. Most often, the company will be totally fine to do this, as it makes no difference to them and they are used to this way of doing things.

I work in a UK based company but live in Spain (I work from home). I now want to leave this company and I would like to claim unemployment compensation in Spain, where I'm entitled to it.

My question is, how much of a cultural shock will it be if I ask the company to do this for me? Do you guys do things in a similar way at all? On the contrary, will this look bad on me? I definitely would like to leave things in the best possible way, because I'm hopeful that this company will be interested in me for future contract work, so this is very important.

Thanks for your help


PD: from an ethical point of view I'm absolutely fine to do this, as I've been paying a high % of my income for these things uninterruptedly for many, many years, so I see it at claiming back a tiny bit of what I've been giving.

DarrenW - 12/8/09 at 10:35 PM

Of course initial respone is dont be mad and stick it out until you find new job to walk into. However assuming you know what you are doing, id like to think your division has spanish HR department people and understand the spanish way of doing things. This way they may know that the spanish management will do the same as other spanish owned companies.

Has any one else done similar recently?

Can i take your old job please?

Probs easier to ask if you should build cec or bec?

Alez - 12/8/09 at 10:50 PM

Thanks for the comments

It's a very small company, only one in Spain is me, no HR dept (Spanish or otherwise).

I just need to know if asking for that will sound odd to a british company. Here it's done all the time but if it's going to look bad on me then I need to think twice.

MikeR - 12/8/09 at 11:09 PM

If you make someone redundant in the uk, you end up paying an amount of money (depending on how long you've been there and if the company does the minimum or 'treats you right'.

So, if its a uk company with uk HR staff i'd expect their first response would be "no". If you explain to them the culture and laws in Spain you may then get a different answer.

Perhaps the first thing to do is to have a chat with your boss and explain you're not happy. Maybe your job can be changed to make it more enjoyable.

Alez - 13/8/09 at 08:52 AM

Oh OK, I understand.

I guess I'll think about this a little more.

Thanks very much