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Triton nosecone brill
dogwood - 15/10/08 at 04:55 PM


Just got my new nose cone from Triton,
I felt I had to post here to say how happy I am with it.

What a brilliant piece of kit, Should bolt on straight out of the box.
I can see a lot of thought has gone into the design, and the fibreglassing is top notch.

Cheers Mark, you're the man


Anyone that frequents the Haynes Roadster forum may be getting a bit of
Deja vu (Thats French for Deja vu)

maartenromijn - 15/10/08 at 05:47 PM

Another fine piece of work! I am also very happy with the seats that arrived 1,5 weeks ago!

Happy building...

omega0684 - 15/10/08 at 06:40 PM

does triton do carbon fibre nose cones?

Triton - 15/10/08 at 08:24 PM

Carbon? yes and no.

Chuffed you like the nose cone...


jamie1107 - 18/10/08 at 12:19 PM

do you do any bodywork for the ron champion locost design triton

Triton - 19/10/08 at 03:41 PM

Have front and rear wings also a nose(when new mould ready as kinda got a wee bit stuck when twit here forgot to wax the thing!) oh and a scuttle.
