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Picked up my 1st bike.....
flak monkey - 28/7/10 at 04:27 PM

....yesterday. Rode it back from Peterborough to Lynn, in the damp. All in all a rather fun experience.

Spent today pulling various bits off it and putting a few things 'right' then gave it a clean up and changed the front sprocket to bring the revs down a bit.

Heres hoping for even cheaper commuting. Planning to take my full test next spring all being well

Getting the hang of it slowly, the coordination needs improvement at times though!






l0rd - 28/7/10 at 04:32 PM

Ohhhh shinneyyyyyy

MakeEverything - 28/7/10 at 04:47 PM

What is it?

flak monkey - 28/7/10 at 04:51 PM

AJS DD125e

Chinese made - as most 125s are these days - by a company called Lifeng and sold under a few different badges. Most popular in the UK being AJS and Jinlun.

Its a copy of the Honda Rebel, which Honda stopped making 10 years ago.

Parallel twin 125, and a whopping 11bhp

Doesnt seem to be too badly made for a Chinese machine, the chrome is thin, but buffs up well!

sucksqueezebangblow - 28/7/10 at 05:12 PM

Say, that's a Nice BIKE! (T2000)

Ninehigh - 28/7/10 at 05:17 PM

That is a nice bike, what kind of top end can you get out of it?

Mave - 28/7/10 at 05:23 PM

Sorry, but I have to ask........when are you going to supercharge it?

Triton - 28/7/10 at 05:42 PM

Sorry but you will look a complete clown on that..

flak monkey - 28/7/10 at 06:00 PM

Will do all of about 70mph flat out

Not a light bike, 130kgs or so. But its nice and comfy

stevec - 28/7/10 at 06:02 PM

Very nice David, Remember eyes on stalks at all times, headlight on at all times, every car driver wants to kill me on your mind at all times and can I have your spleen? Have fun. I did on all mine.


Norfolkluegojnr - 28/7/10 at 06:05 PM

not light my VFR comes in at 209kgs dry....

Good luck with it, i had something similar for my first bike, Suzuki intruder (stop sniggering), did me well for a year or so.

Remember ALWAYS wear proper gear. My knee and shoulder have never been the same....

keep it upright and love it. I do. Off to wales in two weeks for big rideouts

scootz - 28/7/10 at 06:08 PM

Originally posted by stevec
Can I have your spleen...

Can I have the keys to your workshop?

Have fun!

Danozeman - 28/7/10 at 06:29 PM

Nice machine.. You need to grow a gut and a beard though and get some tattoos.

flak monkey - 28/7/10 at 06:59 PM

Got all the proper gear. Bloody warm this weather, but I wouldnt dare go out without it to be honest.

I prefer to go the back roads at the moment, for 2 main reasons. They are quieter and it gives more chance for practice on gears, brakes etc.

I looked at the Intruders, and the Honda Shadow, but they were all too much money for a bike I am only likely to keep for 6 months anyway....

Mark Allanson - 28/7/10 at 07:16 PM

Harley Dickerson!

Norfolkluegojnr - 28/7/10 at 07:25 PM

Mine was second hand. only cost a grand and lasted well:

its always hot in the gear but worth it. Focus on your lines and remember to look ahead, using the vanishing point to help with correct corner speed.

bikes (almost) rule

Dangle_kt - 28/7/10 at 07:51 PM

That is in lovely nick!

my first bike was a virago 535. Decent type of bike to learn your craft on, cos you can;t rely on your throttle to get you "out of trouble" which becomes your default responce one you get on a fast bike.

Have fun grinding that out on roundabouts!

IF you ever fancy something a bit sportier, I suggest a naked, maybe a bandit - I went straight from a cruiser to a CBR400rr and it was a bit of a leap!

[Edited on 28/7/10 by Dangle_kt]

Hellfire - 28/7/10 at 08:42 PM

Being as we're posting bikes on this thread... This is mine...

CBR1100XX Super Blackbird
CBR1100XX Super Blackbird


[Edited on 28-7-10 by Hellfire]

Simon - 28/7/10 at 08:48 PM

Take out that dodgy old petrol engine and replace with one of those quality 8hp diesels (also from China).

As soon as you pass your test, do further training - I'd initially recommend the BMF Blue Riband scheme (if you are staying on the samm bike for a while), then maybe join RoSPA and/or the IAM and do their advanced training.

This was mine:



[Edited on 28/7/10 by Simon]

Ninehigh - 28/7/10 at 08:52 PM

I remember the intruder, the friend that had one was 6foot3 and he was a bit too tall for it

afj - 28/7/10 at 09:00 PM

you've allready noticed the chrome is a little thin so keep a good coat of wax on everything shiny else it will disapear before your very eyes, also keep the electrics waterproofed and keep a cable repair kit with you.
6-7 years ago we used to pick up the odd broken down bike maybe 3-4 a week and usualy a honda regulater/rectifier problem now we do 20+ a week and most are cheap chinese bikes

tony-devon - 28/7/10 at 09:50 PM

some matt black paint, change the bars, bin the shiney bits and your away LOL

only jokin mate, nice one.

I build my bikes from scratch, reckon you will love having a go at that, bikes are more expensive than cars to build, but far easier to register etc

this was my last build, just about everything by me feels damn good being able to say that to people

mangogrooveworkshop - 28/7/10 at 10:19 PM

Harley Dickerson!

02GF74 - 29/7/10 at 07:15 AM

and no matter how foolish it seems, alway do the lifesaver - look over the shoulder.

it then becomes ingrained - was riding back from MOT to join M1 - I always try to be aware what is behind - but did the lifesave and there was red car just on my right - had I not done that, I would have been on bouncing on the bonnet.

130 kg? I wonder how much it will wiegh after winter has taken its toll!!

stay safe.

nice colour BTW.

scootz - 29/7/10 at 07:50 AM

Example of Someone Not Doing a Proper 'Lifesaver'...

Although the gimp traveling at speed must take his fair share of the blame!

Ninehigh - 29/7/10 at 08:19 AM


Mind you some bikers give themselves a bad name, like the one a few days ago that was sat to the left of me at the lights on a crossroads, then decided he was turning right

If I was in any kind of hurry he'd have been ruining his t-shirt under my wheels

Hellfire - 29/7/10 at 04:32 PM

Originally posted by scootz
Example of Someone Not Doing a Proper 'Lifesaver'...

Although the gimp traveling at speed must take his fair share of the blame!

Fair point about the (knob) idiot travelling at speed, but the pr*ck not doing his Safety Check was/is a liability. This is one of the many reasons for NOT riding in groups!

I even do my SC in the car - its saved my bacon many a time!
