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Parking ticket advice
contaminated - 28/3/12 at 03:06 PM


Called into pick my daughter up from school. Parked in an almost empty car park, didn't buy a ticket because I was going to be two mins. The wardens must have been watching me. I returned after he'd written a ticket, but before he'd put it on my car.

Unusually for me, and despite the fact that my daughter was in tears, I was hot and in a foul mood, I didn't lose my temper or swear. I was after all parked with no ticket, even if it was only for two mins. In my view this particular warden was a bit cheeky, however I guess he was only doing his job. Plus I've heard they have little video cameras in case they get attcaked/sworn at!

The following is the exact exchange (which was only 30 mins ago).

I said "do me a favour mate I've had to pick up my daughter" (who was visibly upset due to some herbert at school).

He said "sorry mate it's already gone through the system"

I said "ok, but don't touch my car"

He said "It's ok I can give it to you"

I said "you don't touch me either!"

Then I said "seriously mate I'm not in the mood. Put it on the floor if you must".

At that point he walked off with the ticket and I drove off.

What should I do now?

1. Ignore it and see if anything comes in the post - pay it;
2. Accept that I really should have been issued a ticket and ring the council (because I don't actually have a ticket I can't pay early at a reduced rate unless I ring and confess!)
3. Wait for the post and then appeal it because I was never issued a ticket - which I wasn't. There can be no photo of it, because it never landed on my car!

If I go for option 3 what does a traffic warden actually have to do to prove a ticket was issued? Take a photo? If not what would happen if you had a ticket issued and someone pulled it off the car before you returned. You wouldn't know you had a ticket. People must claim this has happened all the time and just chuck it in the bin, which is what makes me think they have to take a photo - and in my case it doesn't exist!

Any thoughts?

Thanks all


stevec - 28/3/12 at 03:23 PM

He may have walked off because he felt the situation was becoming one of confrontation which they try to avoid.
He may just report the situation and let his bosses sort it. I doubt if it will just go away though.
I am not fan of car park attendants, i have had run ins with them myself.


jossey - 28/3/12 at 03:23 PM

What sort of car park was it and owned by who firstly.

Second you mentioned you was only away from the car for 2 minutes. Are you telling me that you was trying to use the machine to obtain a ticket but was having issues with it accepting your coins when you noticed the attendant at your car?


As this means you tried to procure a ticket but was unable to fulfill the contract of paying and displaying due to seeing the attendant and the issue with the machine accepting your coins.

contaminated - 28/3/12 at 03:30 PM

What sort of car park was it and owned by who firstly. Council owned car park

Second you mentioned you was only away from the car for 2 minutes. Are you telling me that you was trying to use the machine to obtain a ticket but was having issues with it accepting your coins when you noticed the attendant at your car?

:-) Yes, obviously!

As this means you tried to procure a ticket but was unable to fulfill the contract of paying and displaying due to seeing the attendant and the issue with the machine accepting your coins. You may have a point.

maccmike - 28/3/12 at 04:11 PM

I have only ever had 2 tickets in my life, within one week of each other in different countys. Contested both - very politely - got away with one, paid tuther. CONTEST IT. Write a very polite email telling them exactly what happened (which is of course the difficulty with the machine) if all else fails pay it.

cliftyhanger - 28/3/12 at 04:18 PM

I suspect he (correctly) felt threatened, and will report the issue. You will have to appeal the ticket when it comes through, and it will be tricky to wiggle out of. The ticket was no doubt issued, but you refused to accept it. Re the argument about the ticket never being on the car, that is irrelevant, if the wardens are like our locals they take a pic BEFORE issuing the ticket in case you drive off. Anyway, Moneysavingexpert should have all the advice you will need at that point......

BTW I expect locals complain on a regular basis about people using the carpark for free to drop off/pick up kids at the school. Wardens would have been asked to keep an eye on it, and you just got netted.

daviep - 28/3/12 at 05:09 PM

Originally posted by contaminated
The following is the exact exchange (which was only 30 mins ago).

I said "do me a favour mate I've had to pick up my daughter" (who was visibly upset due to some herbert at school).

He said "sorry mate it's already gone through the system"

I said "ok, but don't touch my car"

He said "It's ok I can give it to you"

I said "you don't touch me either!"

Then I said "seriously mate I'm not in the mood. Put it on the floor if you must".

At that point he walked off with the ticket and I drove off.

What should I do now?

Any thoughts?

Thanks all


My thoughts: you sound like a pretentious knob ( I'm sure you're not). The attendant doesn't appear to have said anything to provoke you but you spoke to him like he was dirt.

If you weren't in the mood for hassle or confrontation you should just have bought a ticket.

As for all the people who are encouraging you not to pay, do you ever moan about the spiraling costs of everything in Britain?


scootz - 28/3/12 at 05:26 PM


A1 - 28/3/12 at 05:37 PM

just wait and see what happens...if nothing comes through, fair enough. if something does come through deal with that. as you said he never gave you a ticket... and the machine was after all being tricky.

personally id rather traffic wardens were on the dole doing nothing.

contaminated - 28/3/12 at 06:09 PM

Originally posted by daviep
Originally posted by contaminated
The following is the exact exchange (which was only 30 mins ago).

I said "do me a favour mate I've had to pick up my daughter" (who was visibly upset due to some herbert at school).

He said "sorry mate it's already gone through the system"

I said "ok, but don't touch my car"

He said "It's ok I can give it to you"

I said "you don't touch me either!"

Then I said "seriously mate I'm not in the mood. Put it on the floor if you must".

At that point he walked off with the ticket and I drove off.

What should I do now?

Any thoughts?

Thanks all


My thoughts: you sound like a pretentious knob ( I'm sure you're not). The attendant doesn't appear to have said anything to provoke you but you spoke to him like he was dirt.

If you weren't in the mood for hassle or confrontation you should just have bought a ticket.

As for all the people who are encouraging you not to pay, do you ever moan about the spiraling costs of everything in Britain?


Point noted. and yes I probably am! By the same token you're telling me that the majority would stand there and take a ticket without saying a word? Like I said, I never swore, I never threatened.

Dusty - 28/3/12 at 06:16 PM

You told the warden not to touch your car or you and suggested he put it on the ground. The last is unlikely to happen as he would not fulfil his duties. What was he to think might be the result of his touching your car or you? Very sensibly he walked away taking the ticket with him. I think you will be lucky not to get a visit from the BIB with reference to your threatening behaviour. I would not add to your troubles by lying about not being able to buy a ticket. Pay up for the offence you did actually commit and an apology for your behaviour might be reasonable as well.

matt_gsxr - 28/3/12 at 06:17 PM

I think there should be a rule that if you come back before they have put it on the car then you are in the clear.
But if I ruled the world it would be a weird place.

If I were you I wouldn't stress. It might go away, you might get a summons, but what is done is done.
Next time put money in the damn machine.
Its summer.

woodster - 28/3/12 at 06:23 PM

As a side issue I always wonder what kind of person wants to do a job where everyone bloody hates you , we have those wardens, young lads mainly, on battered silver scooters that fly around side streets and council car parks looking to do anyone that steps out of line .... Kn&&heads .... Basically tasked with trying to bring as much money into the council as they can regardless of any fairness ...... As I said before kn&&heads

coyoteboy - 28/3/12 at 06:23 PM

Point noted. and yes I probably am! By the same token you're telling me that the majority would stand there and take a ticket without saying a word? Like I said, I never swore, I never threatened.

If I've been ticketed fairly (ie I parked where I shouldn't or over-stayed my time) yes I'd pay the ticket without complaint, it's my own stupidity that caused it (I have done so 4 times now by over-staying tickets where Iv'e been stuck in meetings). You were a bit knobbish - what's this "don't touch my car, don't touch me" nonsense? Rather than walking off I'd have laughed at you if I were the parking guy to be honest, but I can see it will have annoyed you greatly.

In your current situation I'd call the council and explain the circumstances but don't expect to be let off, but at least you'll get chance to be able to pay it off cheaply.

Very sensibly he walked away taking the ticket with him. I think you will be lucky not to get a visit from the BIB with reference to your threatening behaviour

I don't see anything threatening there to be honest, unless you have a wild imagination.

[Edited on 28/3/12 by coyoteboy]

scoop - 28/3/12 at 06:36 PM

I'm with Dave.
Don't touch me or my car. Really?

contaminated - 28/3/12 at 06:43 PM

Originally posted by scoop
I'm with Dave.
Don't touch me or my car. Really?

Well, yes I can see how that looks. It does look worse in writing though. It was mostly under my breath and I have laringjitus! I didn't really have time to plan what I was going to say, it just sort of came out.

For what it's worth I do feel a bit guilty now, but then that's why I posted - for an opinion. If some of you feel that I've been a bit of a knob and too aggressive, then I'll take that and move on. I'll call the council tomorrow. It's £50 I believe, probably £25 if I come clean.

Fizzer - 28/3/12 at 07:10 PM

Originally posted by scoop
I'm with Dave.

awww, bless

bi22le - 28/3/12 at 07:33 PM

I would wait and then contest. I contest everything, its my right to check that if they are going to charge me money i want to know they not being lazy on snidy.

he walked away which means he knew the situation.

either he could see your having a bad day and has let you off or he knows that he does not have to physically hand you a ticket anymore.