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Panic Buying.....
AndyW - 29/3/12 at 09:44 AM

I've spent the last two weeks getting myself a new job. Had to. So, I had to fill up the wife's car today. Not an easy task. nearly one hour later I have fuel! This panic buying is getting really stupid. We wont run out unless we continue to panic. There was a lady in front of me in the queue who filled up her car, she didnt know how to work the pump, didnt know how to do chip and pin and clearly just went out and filled up because of what she had heard.

i dont often get mad but this did make me a bit angry as that tank of fuel will probably stay in her car for the next 9 weeks.


thats better... Rant over.

femster87 - 29/3/12 at 09:57 AM

I know people do things like that. Was in sainsbury year before last after the crazy snow and the bread aisle was empty 2 hrs after they had put new ones out. Milk was the same. They has to put a restriction on how much you could buy. Think same would happen to fuel by this weekend

[Edited on 29/3/12 by femster87]

big-vee-twin - 29/3/12 at 10:00 AM


D Beddows - 29/3/12 at 10:15 AM

I do despair of the general public Why would you panic buy a commodity that if freely available, will continue to be for well over a week at least and if there is a strike last thing I heard was it would only be a couple of days anyway...........just because a politician of all people tells you to.....

Add to that most people putting 300+ miles worth of petrol in their tanks don't do that in 3 months or so - after filling up they're probably off down the post office to buy a lifetimes supply of stamps and then to Asda to buy 24 loafs of bread and 50 litres of milk 'just in case'

Of course the cynical amongst us might wonder if this is actually the Conservatives cunning plan to 'stimulate' the British economy lol

[Edited on 29/3/12 by D Beddows]

BobM - 29/3/12 at 10:22 AM

Real PITA - with a full day's testing booked at Silverstone for tomorrow and the RGB double header races there over the weekend I needed 2 jerry cans of unleaded for the race car and the motorhome needed diesel. Could well be a problem for lots of the guys heading up there.

jossey - 29/3/12 at 10:25 AM

Femster.... Tesco's in scunny was empty of diesel at 9pm last night also didn't help with the m180 being closed n me being stuck on it for 4 hours

FuryRebuild - 29/3/12 at 10:35 AM

On the subject of the proposed petrol tanker strike:
Mark: "Do people actually do what a minister says when they give advice?"
Wife: "Only when it's to do something stupid."

femster87 - 29/3/12 at 10:49 AM

Originally posted by jossey
Femster.... Tesco's in scunny was empty of diesel at 9pm last night also didn't help with the m180 being closed n me being stuck on it for 4 hours

Lool, I was in the same traffic for 4 hrs as well. I was not a very happy boy

dhutch - 29/3/12 at 10:50 AM

Mega-fail isnt it.

Obviously said advisor was a bit of a idiot (and an old duffer?) and careless with his tongue. But its the whole thing where there is a diffrence between 'filling it full next time you go, rather than jsut putting £10 in the bottom of the tank' and 'Being a total retard about it' and its just a sad fact that 90% of the population appear to jump for the latter everytime.

That said, if it looks like it times up for easter, I will be seeking to fill my jerry cans, rather than be short on my holiday.

Call it selfish, but if I cant get to work (and it being 5miles, i cal anyway) then whatever, but if my holiday plans are up the shoot I will be a hyper unhappy chappy. I go to work 45 weeks a year, but its not like i'll get a second easter holiday if the first one isnt what i planned.


FuryRebuild - 29/3/12 at 10:55 AM

We're boating on the broads this easter. Let's hope marine diesel isn't affected. Saying that, it's the boat-owners responsibility to fill the boat's tanks.

Coopz - 29/3/12 at 11:13 AM

It's ridiculous fuel deliveries are as normal, there is no strike, no shortage well at least at the moment! Just mindless idiots following the crowd! What's worse I need to fill up the car on my way home and was going to pop out and fill up a couple jerry cans for the kit over the weekend! Oh what joy

NigeEss - 29/3/12 at 11:29 AM

Originally posted by D Beddows

Of course the cynical amongst us might wonder if this is actually the Conservatives cunning plan to 'stimulate' the British economy lol

[Edited on 29/3/12 by D Beddows]

Or the petrol companies trying to compensate for people cutting back on fuel purchases due to driving less.

femster87 - 29/3/12 at 11:40 AM

Originally posted by NigeEss
Originally posted by D Beddows

Of course the cynical amongst us might wonder if this is actually the Conservatives cunning plan to 'stimulate' the British economy lol

[Edited on 29/3/12 by D Beddows]

Or the petrol companies trying to compensate for people cutting back on fuel purchases due to driving less.

Conspiracy theorists. Come to th ink of it good way to sell loads

SeaBass - 29/3/12 at 11:41 AM

Originally posted by NigeEss
Originally posted by D Beddows

Of course the cynical amongst us might wonder if this is actually the Conservatives cunning plan to 'stimulate' the British economy lol

[Edited on 29/3/12 by D Beddows]

Or the petrol companies trying to compensate for people cutting back on fuel purchases due to driving less.

mmm. Perhaps.

But basic economics means that averaged demand will remain constant, the area under a demand/time graph for the next 3 months for example - people won't think ooh there's a fuel supply problem I'll start driving further...


NigeEss - 29/3/12 at 11:49 AM

True, but when people have a full tank they are more likely to drive and thus use it up quicker.
Not a long term recovery of revenue but maybe a quick boost.

bi22le - 29/3/12 at 11:50 AM

Originally posted by SeaBass
Originally posted by NigeEss
Originally posted by D Beddows

Of course the cynical amongst us might wonder if this is actually the Conservatives cunning plan to 'stimulate' the British economy lol

[Edited on 29/3/12 by D Beddows]

Or the petrol companies trying to compensate for people cutting back on fuel purchases due to driving less.

mmm. Perhaps.

But basic economics means that averaged demand will remain constant, the area under a demand/time graph for the next 3 months for example - people won't think ooh there's a fuel supply problem I'll start driving further...


They have done this to soften and hide the big hike in prices that have come about recently. People dont care about the cost and are frenzy buying.

roadrunner - 29/3/12 at 11:51 AM

Originally posted by femster87
Originally posted by jossey
Femster.... Tesco's in scunny was empty of diesel at 9pm last night also didn't help with the m180 being closed n me being stuck on it for 4 hours

Lool, I was in the same traffic for 4 hrs as well. I was not a very happy boy

You two need to see the light and move away from Scunny.

dhutch - 29/3/12 at 12:15 PM

Originally posted by FuryRebuild
We're boating on the broads this easter. Let's hope marine diesel isn't affected. Saying that, it's the boat-owners responsibility to fill the boat's tanks.
Sounds nice. Take a jerry can....!

If diesal did run out it could be the first time our coalfired narrowboat is more easy to get fuel for than a diesal!


BigLee - 29/3/12 at 12:31 PM

I'm panic buying Greggs pasties before the VAT increase.

rf900rush - 29/3/12 at 12:33 PM

I think it's a scam.

The media cause most of the problems to panic the public.

I believe they have either had pressure from above or are just complete muppets.

Any way to go now , I got a car that needs filling up

fesycresy - 29/3/12 at 12:41 PM

Just cancelled this afternoon's meeting, because I need diesel and can't be arsed to que.

I'll wait until everyone has had their fill and go straight to the pump tomorrow.

femster87 - 29/3/12 at 12:45 PM

Originally posted by roadrunner
Originally posted by femster87
Originally posted by jossey
Femster.... Tesco's in scunny was empty of diesel at 9pm last night also didn't help with the m180 being closed n me being stuck on it for 4 hours

Lool, I was in the same traffic for 4 hrs as well. I was not a very happy boy

You two need to see the light and move away from Scunny.

What and live in Hull? Could not think of anything worse

craig1410 - 29/3/12 at 12:53 PM

I think the media are largely to blame as they draw disproportionate attention to some casual remarks by a minister. If you listen to what Mr Maude said and engage common sense then there would be no problem. Unfortunately the poor guy didn't expect the frenzied mob to react the way they have.

I'm sitting outside Morrisons Petrol Station just now eating my lunch and was pissing myself laughing at the people who were so intent on queuing to get petrol that the tanker couldn't get in to fill up the tanks! I drive 115 miles a day so have to fill up every 4 days or so but right now I'd be reluctant to go anywhere near a petrol station as I wouldn't want people to think I was one of the other sheep. I should be okay until the weekend thankfully as I have 3/4 of a tank just now having filled up a couple of days ago before this all kicked off.

As someone said recently, the trouble with "sense" is that it's not that common! It seems the more people you get together in one place "sense" becomes even less common!

MikeRJ - 29/3/12 at 01:27 PM

Originally posted by craig1410
I think the media are largely to blame as they draw disproportionate attention to some casual remarks by a minister.

If the "sheeple" that inhabit this country weren't so mind numbingly stupid, then they could make their own informed decisions rather than believing everything they read or hear from the media.

coozer - 29/3/12 at 01:32 PM

Sheep springs to mind.. had the usual last minute idiots diving in front as the cones brought the M1 down to one lane.. about 6 cars in front was one of them trucks that puts the cones out travelling with flashing yellows..

As he slowed and peeled off into the section marked 'Work Access' all 6 cars behind followed him in! I was amazed at the sheep like tendencies shown there then had a good laugh as they got stuck!

The place I bunker up at regularly runs out of diesel. They rely on 2 tankers a day to have enough for all the trucks that, again regular que up for fuel.

I'm looking forward to running out and getting stuck!

roadrunner - 29/3/12 at 02:12 PM

Originally posted by femster87
Originally posted by roadrunner
Originally posted by femster87
Originally posted by jossey
Femster.... Tesco's in scunny was empty of diesel at 9pm last night also didn't help with the m180 being closed n me being stuck on it for 4 hours

Lool, I was in the same traffic for 4 hrs as well. I was not a very happy boy

You two need to see the light and move away from Scunny.

What and live in Hull? Could not think of anything worse

Dont let the "The view of the Humber Bridge" fool you.

perksy - 29/3/12 at 02:15 PM

Have to smile
Fair play to the Tanker drivers, they haven't had to take any action yet because the
media and government are causing all the chaos & turmoil anyway

femster87 - 29/3/12 at 02:28 PM

Originally posted by roadrunner
Originally posted by femster87
Originally posted by roadrunner
Originally posted by femster87
Originally posted by jossey
Femster.... Tesco's in scunny was empty of diesel at 9pm last night also didn't help with the m180 being closed n me being stuck on it for 4 hours

Lool, I was in the same traffic for 4 hrs as well. I was not a very happy boy

You two need to see the light and move away from Scunny.

What and live in Hull? Could not think of anything worse

Dont let the "The view of the Humber Bridge" fool you.

Guessed so. Pretty good in Scunny you know

big_wasa - 29/3/12 at 02:48 PM

Panic buying is great, I am busy

Dopdog - 29/3/12 at 02:57 PM

what and finding time to post

coyoteboy - 29/3/12 at 03:00 PM

It's a good way of raising half a billion in taxes at short notice for a short term boost - wonder what they're planning to pay off?

D Beddows - 29/3/12 at 03:54 PM

The wine cellars in Downing Street probably need restocking after all the bankers have been round for tea

mad-butcher - 29/3/12 at 03:58 PM

Wife and I are in the lucky position that if there was a strike we both get permits to jump any fuel q's, she's a home care worker working with the terminally ill, and I work in what is deemed by government an essential industry " I deliver newspapers to newsagents "


clanger - 29/3/12 at 05:04 PM

spare attendant stands on entry to forecourt. 1/2tank or over...............on your bike (literally), 1/4 or less happy days come and get it.....

passed loads of just out of town garages today with rediculous queue's and I was in the red. no diesel at some. 10miles up the road in a sleepy village no much fuel as you can shake a stick at

most of the people queueing seemed to be of the retirement age filling up ageing rovers and newish honda's.................

passed the same people on the way back home, parked up in layby's with the flask and deck chairs out. FOOLS !!!!

Peteff - 29/3/12 at 05:33 PM

My friend runs a bike shop and needs to fill his van quite often and he was telling me about getting stuck behind an old woman at the pump as she had obviously never put fuel in a car before. Squeeze trigger, look at pump display, squeeze trigger, repeat ad infinitum. She took five minutes to put £3 worth in and he was getting ready to push her out the way and just fill her tank when she gave up and went to pay after putting about £5 in, he was quite fuming even telling me about it so she had really got to him.

coyoteboy - 29/3/12 at 05:47 PM

You really can't judge the people in the queues, if they need a tankful they need it - you've no idea if they're being moronic or not. Just ignore them all, it'll go away soon.

alistairolsen - 29/3/12 at 05:50 PM

if you normally arrive to an empty pump or behind one car and theres a que of 5 then you can safely conclude four of them are morons.

This country really does bring me to despar. Fortunately my lifestyle allows me to let it wash by and smile!

dlatch - 29/3/12 at 05:50 PM

as a collective the general public are on the same intellectual level as plankton

rf900rush - 29/3/12 at 06:27 PM

Took my Dax out for a first run this year with the fuel gauge on empty.

So had to join the que of one car. £20 quid was enough to get me on my way.

By the time it took me to put in £20's worth there was a couple getting anxios enough to stat hooting

Can't even start to imagine what will happen if we have a real disaster on our hands.

Ninehigh - 29/3/12 at 07:08 PM

They couldn't wait for you to put £20 in? What's that like 3 litres?

chillis - 29/3/12 at 08:00 PM

It isn't so much panic buying as moronic buying!
The moronic brittish public deserve it for being unbelievably stupid once again.
It is they who have created a shortage for NO reason.....and given the fuel companies the perfect oppertunity to push the price of a litre of fuel not just past the £1.50 mark but I suspect by easter £2 per litre
The stupid brittish public deserve all they get. They've screwed up the strike and given the fuel companies a golden bonus. Well done the brittish public :mad

snakebelly - 29/3/12 at 08:04 PM

Away in Leeds at the mo, luckily the van still has half a tank but just been down the garage for a pack of tags and ran into a 1/4 mile que! Funny thing was that at the hhead of the que a notice said no diesel but most people either couldn't see it or didint believe it! Needless to say I drove past and went to the spa instead.

locost47 - 29/3/12 at 08:54 PM

just know I will get tarred & feathered when i try & get fuel for silverstone in a jerry can

Dopdog - 29/3/12 at 09:50 PM

alistairolsen, why would 4 people be morons??? I had to fill up today as I needed fuel (tank empty) I was the third person in line. Does that make me stupid to wait???

Fizzer - 29/3/12 at 09:58 PM

Originally posted by chillis
It isn't so much panic buying as moronic buying!
The moronic brittish public deserve it for being unbelievably stupid once again.
It is they who have created a shortage for NO reason.....and given the fuel companies the perfect oppertunity to push the price of a litre of fuel not just past the £1.50 mark but I suspect by easter £2 per litre
The stupid brittish public deserve all they get. They've screwed up the strike and given the fuel companies a golden bonus. Well done the brittish public :mad

You mean stupid British public, right?

Simon - 30/3/12 at 12:56 AM

I was expecting to be doing a couple of longish journeys over the next 3 days so thought I'd chuck thirty quid in (enough for a couple of hundred miles, wasn't paying attention (watching the traffic go past/day dreaming etc). Next thing I know I've put 11 gallons in.

Unfortunately tonight local station had all pumps taped off as empty. Oops sorry chaps

I'll go and empty another station tomorrow



morcus - 30/3/12 at 01:33 AM

The problem is, once a large number of people start buying up stupid amounts of anything, it actually becomes the sensible thing to do.

As of January I live two streets away from work so I'm not really all that bothered at the moment, but I did notice a large number of very elderly people queing for petrol when I walked passed tescos, I also noticed that, as usual they all form one massive queue that blocks the road rather than use up all the space by forming 6 queues behind the 6 rows of pumps.

What I really don't get is people seem to use any stupid reason to skive of work (Like snow) so the logical thing to do would be to stay at home and use the panic buying as an excuse.

SeaBass - 30/3/12 at 07:07 AM

Filled up this morning - as I always do when I get a helpful yellow symbol on my dash. Brimmed the tank as normal.

No queue. No fuss. No hassle.

Just bloody expensive - I swear prices have gone because the "strike" was first whispered not just spiralling tax and base line costs.

SWMBOs dad phone from the deep south and said he'd seen a queue of over 100 cars.

For once Scotland is good at something!

karlak - 30/3/12 at 07:29 AM

At 1am this morning there were long queues both sides of the carriageway for the Shell garages. Both garages had put Diesel up 2p from Wednesday

Peteff - 30/3/12 at 09:12 AM

There has to be notice of a strike so why are people panicking now ? Leave it till the notice is given and everything could carry on as normal.

MikeRJ - 1/4/12 at 09:00 AM

Originally posted by Peteff
There has to be notice of a strike so why are people panicking now ? Leave it till the notice is given and everything could carry on as normal.

That would require a modicum of rational thought, which is expecting way too much from the majority of this countries inhabitants.

fullpint - 1/4/12 at 09:19 AM

Originally posted by coyoteboy
It's a good way of raising half a billion in taxes at short notice for a short term boost - wonder what they're planning to pay off?

End of the tax year so this will boost the profits for them