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smitht82 - 11/1/13 at 12:51 PM

I've currently got an order for a front splitter with MK, but wondered if they are usually very slow at deliveries and communication?

I ordered the splitter back at the start of December and have made numerous calls to chase the order. I would like to add in fairness that i've always managed to speak with Danny but his times keep slipping from what he says. Within this order is a pressure switch which i need to diagnose a problem with my brake lights before its MOT in March. My car is currently off the road because of this sensor, so its starting to frustrate me :-( . I've even had my Splitter stabilisers from Taiwan for 3 weeks and these where ordered at the same time!

I'm starting to wonder whether to cancel the order and look elsewhere?

wylliezx9r - 11/1/13 at 12:59 PM

Search for MK customer service on here, I'll let that do the talking.

loggyboy - 11/1/13 at 01:00 PM

Sounds fairly common. Just do a check through a few pages of the MK section of this forum. Their customer service is very hit or miss.
Just keep hounding them, on a daily basis if necessary.

RK - 11/1/13 at 01:13 PM

Don't you know you are lucky to be able to deal with a kit car company? It is not like going down to Halford's where you give them money, and they give you goods right away. There are secret handshakes, codes and all sorts of things to learn before you are allowed to spend money with a kit car company. A bit like the Freemasons, but more expensive.

snakebelly - 11/1/13 at 01:16 PM

RK, do you know you can be drummed out of the society for even revealing the existence of the secret handshake! Good luck getting any spares now

snakebelly - 11/1/13 at 01:18 PM

On a serious note, as has already bean alluded to you will either need to hound on a daily basis or even better tell them your on your way to visit and either want your goods or a refund

snakebelly - 11/1/13 at 01:21 PM

Sorry just noticed your location so I guess a visit isn't on the cards.

Mr Whippy - 11/1/13 at 02:11 PM

Tbh a brake pressure switch is an easy item to get cheaply elsewhere so I'd not let that keep me off the road, try eBay or car builder solutions, or just put a screw driver across the terminals to check it, most can be stripped down anyway. If you are stuck loads on here will talk you through how to fix it, a 7 is hardly a hard car to sort the electrics on is it?

Greenie - 11/1/13 at 05:40 PM

May I be cheeky smitht82 and ask you if you could kindly supply with a link or similar for the stabilisers.

And to add to their gmail I always found Danny and the team very good, I have had various items such as new exhaust, delivered within a week and a bespoke roll bar made to my spec..... Sorry but i can't fault them.

Maybes a phone call and specify the need and urgency.....

jossey - 11/1/13 at 06:14 PM

If you paid using ye card tell them to sort or you will claim the money back through visa...

Good luck though.

Call every 24 hours...

danny keenan - 11/1/13 at 09:21 PM

Sorry about this but we have had a big rush on getting ready for the autosports show and have been there since Wednesday,it's May Day off tomorrow so I will go in and make it for you.

T66 - 11/1/13 at 09:44 PM

And theres an apology to be noted, and an explanation.

With a solution......I think thats called customer service.

smitht82 - 12/1/13 at 10:21 AM

Hi Danny,

Thanks for the reply. I'll give you a call on Monday to arrange payment and delivery. I must admit i don't know of alot of companies that would reply on an open forum, so i appreciate the reponse.

I've had a lot of companies let me down on various things (non car related) recently and just wanted to find out if i needed to be worried. Me being sinical I guess.


coozer - 12/1/13 at 10:59 AM

You can get the brake light switch from most motor factors.. cheaper..

OEM VW brake switch.. Eurocarparts, PN 464550020 £5.45 Its made by FAE so good oem quality.

danny keenan - 12/1/13 at 12:15 PM

Been in work today and made it for you.please give me a call Monday to arrange the payment


loggyboy - 12/1/13 at 12:33 PM

Has the swedish blokes order been sorted yet?

smitht82 - 12/1/13 at 01:27 PM

Originally posted by loggyboy
Has the swedish blokes order been sorted yet?

I'd let the above run between the swedish customer and MK as my query has been resolved.


Peteff - 12/1/13 at 06:59 PM

Originally posted by RK There are secret handshakes, codes and all sorts of things to learn before you are allowed to spend money with a kit car company. A bit like the Freemasons, but more expensive.

Roll your trouser leg down and shut up there, you'll be drummed out of the order.

smitht82 - 13/3/13 at 09:48 PM

Well this is getting stupid! Had my 1st front splitter turn up damaged at the end of January and I'm still awaiting the replacement. I've had many a promise of phone calls and now I've asked for a tracking number as it was apparently posted last Friday along with some canards that i thought i'd also order. Danny was due to call me yesterday and this evening but no call. It's always me chasing , I've never actually had any form of customer contact from them. This is a joke. If MK are reading this then I suggest you call your customers with updates especially if promised and start thinking about what customer service is!

Davegtst - 13/3/13 at 11:55 PM

Quelle suprise.

smitht82 - 14/3/13 at 06:24 PM

Well i've spoken to Danny today who has read my previous disatisfied post (and is in copy of this post) and have asked for the item to be resent to me for delivery tommorrow or i've requested a refund, so i really hope that the splitter and carnards turn up and that MK prove me wrong.

The reason i'm frustrated is that i've hired a unit for the weekend to allow me to get the car in the air and make some changes including paneling the underside of the car. My Rear Diffuser from SA Fabrications that was ordered at the start of february has been sat at home for 3 weeks awaiting the splitters arrival, so it all relies on this.

Once fitted i can then finally book my track day.

Davegtst - 15/3/13 at 10:46 PM

So did it turn up then?

smitht82 - 16/3/13 at 07:02 PM

Originally posted by Davegtst
So did it turn up then?

Nope, had to cancel the unit as the whole point of it was to sheet the underside of the car!

daniel mason - 16/3/13 at 07:17 PM

this really is not fair. something needs sorting as its verging on theft!
i certainly disnt have any of these problems with either of my mnrs! sometimes parts arrived the day after ordering,infact they usually did! they really are superb.

Davegtst - 17/3/13 at 11:49 AM

Good luck with trying to get a new one or your money back. Hopefully the growing ammount of threads showing what MK is really like will make people think twice before placing an order with them. I wish I never had.

dhutch - 17/3/13 at 01:24 PM

Originally posted by Davegtst Hopefully the growing ammount of threads showing what MK is really like will make people think twice before placing an order with them. I wish I never had.

Its a shame as by all accounts its a good product, but they just dont appear to have any interest i actually making any or providing any form of customer experience.


maccmike - 17/3/13 at 02:38 PM

In a competitive small market and in a recession, you'd think they'd go all out.

dhutch - 17/3/13 at 04:07 PM

Originally posted by maccmike
In a competitive small market and in a recession, you'd think they'd go all out.

Or at least make a few parts and answer the phone occasionally!

smitht82 - 18/3/13 at 09:07 PM


Parcel turned up this morning with a sigh of relied until I opened it . I've taken photos of the original damaged splitter and the new splitter to show you what i mean. (the original splitter is on the right and got crushed in the original delivery in January).

Spot the difference:
(both are exactly the same product apparently)

Higher on 1 side?

26cm from the bottom to the deflector

29cm from the bottom to the deflector

New, but bits unpainted?

Differences between the 2 'splitters':

- Different shape ???
- Different / steeper angle of deflectors ???
- Different material used as the new splitter is solid and heavier even though MK told me the reason for the delay was waiting for the orginal splitter's Aluminium / Plastic material turning up???

The new splitter isn't even equal on the lengths of the deflectors, and therefore would in reality push on one side more than the other when the air flows over.

Now MK race these cars so should know what a splitter should look like, and presumably if their selling a product have a template rather than take a guess each time. You'd at least expect the material to be the same.

Now on last speaking with Danny i was told that i'd apparently been slagging off MK in this post. However i think if they re-read it they will see that i've only documented for all other to see the inability to produce correctly the product that they offer for sale and deliver it. I've been very patient to listen to b*llsh*t for 4 months and have given them every opportunity to deliver the product. However, i'm only willing to have the p*ss taken out of me for so long!

I'm going to contact Trading Standards tomorrow to find out where i stand. Danny is on his Holidays and therefore i doubt i'll get any sense from contacting MK this week.

I'm going to simply ask for a full refund for the splitter, but i'll update you on whether MK will actually do this.

One very unhappy customer!

[Edited on 18/3/13 by smitht82]

[Edited on 18/3/13 by smitht82]

noc231073 - 18/3/13 at 09:20 PM

It nothing unusual to be honest

maccmike - 18/3/13 at 09:29 PM

Danny - if your reading this;

Buck your ideas up and you wont get negative press.