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moto gp?
kipper - 13/4/09 at 09:52 AM

I wa waiting for the moto gp last night on the beeb but it rained and they buggerered off, what happened, did they all just call it a day and go home, is it being run today?????? whaaaaat tf
frustrated in Hull.

Dangle_kt - 13/4/09 at 09:56 AM

today 9pm according to the motogp website.

David Jenkins - 13/4/09 at 09:56 AM

It's being run sometime this evening - available on the Beeb red button, or via their iPlayer (through the BBC sports pages).

I'm already really unimpressed with the Beeb's coverage - first they shove it on BBC3, then they put a total pillock in as first commentator, all their production standards seem cr*p... I get the impression that they're not interested.

Perhaps "Britain's got no talent" is more their line...

Triton - 13/4/09 at 09:57 AM

Same here, been a long wait to get my moto gp fix then it goes and rains in the desert....

zzr1100rick2 - 13/4/09 at 09:58 AM

next round in japan as far as i understand

it would never have rained if it had still been on british eurosport

David Jenkins - 13/4/09 at 10:00 AM

Originally posted by Triton
Same here, been a long wait to get my moto gp fix then it goes and rains in the desert....

My son and his fiancée went on holiday to North Africa... did a day trip into the Sahara desert... it pee'd down all the time they were there - first rain they'd had for about 3 years!

Triton - 13/4/09 at 10:14 AM

Weather has gone potty..

blakep82 - 13/4/09 at 10:16 AM

Originally posted by David Jenkins
It's being run sometime this evening - available on the Beeb red button, or via their iPlayer (through the BBC sports pages).

I'm already really unimpressed with the Beeb's coverage - first they shove it on BBC3, then they put a total pillock in as first commentator, all their production standards seem cr*p... I get the impression that they're not interested.

Perhaps "Britain's got no talent" is more their line...

lol can you imagine being the moto GP producer, trying to fill 2 hours of TV, when you have nothing to fill it with? its hardly the BBCs fault it rained so much.

tomblyth - 13/4/09 at 10:23 AM

channel 301 on freeview ( rerun monday 18:45 BST

David Jenkins - 13/4/09 at 10:32 AM

Originally posted by blakep82

lol can you imagine being the moto GP producer, trying to fill 2 hours of TV, when you have nothing to fill it with? its hardly the BBCs fault it rained so much.

He announcer was a pillock before the race was cancelled!

For example, going down the grid a few minutes before the start, trying to interview the riders... each one of them looked really annoyed!

blakep82 - 13/4/09 at 10:34 AM

ah, i didn't see that bit, but was it maybe just because suzi perry's been off sick? rushed into hospital apparently, think she's due back in about 3 weeks?

Surrey Dave - 13/4/09 at 10:51 AM

F1 and MotoGp has same illness........................

Greedy organisers muffed up big time, you cant organise the local climate

Stupid venues , stupid times of day!

Nuff said!!!

Hector.Brocklebank - 13/4/09 at 11:11 AM

Originally posted by zzr1100rick2
next round in japan as far as i understand

it would never have rained if it had still been on british eurosport

STILL IS on British Eurosport with Toby & Julian just no mamola

blakep82 - 13/4/09 at 11:16 AM

wasn't moto gp on bbc last year? i can't remember

greggors84 - 13/4/09 at 01:23 PM

Re run on Eurosport 2 UK at 6.45pm

Who are the commentators on BBC this year? I thought the Beebs coverage was very good last year. Might have to switch to Eurosport if its turned rubbish as they arnt too bad.

David Jenkins - 13/4/09 at 03:18 PM

The racing commentators are the same - they're ok - it's the bloke who does the pre- and post-race stuff who's a spare part...