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Dales Farm... What's Gonna Happen?
scootz - 20/9/11 at 03:23 PM

Will they... won't they... are you bovvered... ???

[Edited on 20/9/11 by scootz]

flibble - 20/9/11 at 03:29 PM

If they don't I`ll go and buy a nice acre of greenbelt for 10k and start building houses....

scootz - 20/9/11 at 03:37 PM

Ah... but I assume you aren't a gypsy or a traveller. Your local authority and the courts will be much less sympathetic to your situation. I predict you would be forcibly removed from your site within a couple of months and the area flattened (at your cost)!

The only positive is that Vanessa Redgrave is unlikely to spring to your defence

flibble - 20/9/11 at 03:51 PM

Is anyone who lives in a caravan called a gypsy in the eyes of the law or do you have to have x generations of family do the same or some other special circumstance/ability (such as being able to lay tarmac drives 1/2" thick)?

omega 24 v6 - 20/9/11 at 03:59 PM

Send in the dozers if they wanna be protected by the law they need to live by the law. Simples.

ETA if they get away with it then Gilmore from pink floyd should take the governmeny to court for victimisation/discrimination

[Edited on 20/9/11 by omega 24 v6]

Benzine - 20/9/11 at 04:11 PM

Interesting read about the history of Dale Farm here, worth a read:‘cos-i’s-victimised/

zilspeed - 20/9/11 at 04:36 PM

Do you like dags ?

AndyW - 20/9/11 at 04:40 PM


zilspeed - 20/9/11 at 04:49 PM

Yeah, yaknow dags ?

D'ya like dags ?

David Jenkins - 20/9/11 at 04:52 PM

Perhaps all these rich folks who care so much for the travellers' welfare should find them a plot of land near to their own houses, and invite all the travellers over...

Anyway - if they are 'travellers' - why do they want to stay in one place? Why don't they travel?

[Edited on 20/9/11 by David Jenkins]

zilspeed - 20/9/11 at 04:56 PM

Dags !

BigFaceDave - 20/9/11 at 05:00 PM

Originally posted by zilspeed
Yeah, yaknow dags ?

D'ya like dags ?

I like dags, I like caravans better.

On a serious note I have been past alot of fields on the way home that the farmers have started blocking the entrances to stop them pitching up there. The problem with kicking them off is they are going to go somewhere else and it doesnt change the problem it just moves it along to somewhere else. Im not saying dont kick them out but they have to go somewhere..... A bit of a case of not in my back garden really.

A bit worrying that there was a small camp set up near us at work about 6 weeks ago and one night after working late I went past there site - 18 caravans but only 3 transits! Wonder where the rest were?!

myke pocock - 20/9/11 at 05:34 PM

Makes interesting reading eh!!!

Ninehigh - 20/9/11 at 05:36 PM

Originally posted by flibble
If they don't I`ll go and buy a nice acre of greenbelt for 10k and start building houses....

Damn right, and I shall keep this as precedent that "planning permission" doesn't mean squat and it would be racist of the government/council to remove it

D Beddows - 20/9/11 at 05:41 PM


Anyway - if they are 'travellers' - why do they want to stay in one place? Why don't they travel?

and not just stay in one place - actualy build proper bungalows.........

BenB - 20/9/11 at 07:10 PM

Personally I'd put up a 100 foot wall round the illegal buildings with a one way door.

Siege mentality mofo

morcus - 20/9/11 at 07:30 PM

I never got how you could claim to be a traveller and live in the same static caravan/hut for ten years. I've lived in four propperties in that time on 3 different streets and two different countries so by that logic I must be some sort of super traveller.

The idea that you should be able to do something illegal because your ancestors did it is stupid and if this set president we should all go and trace our famillies trees back till we find simillar excuses.

they mostly seem to Irish so if we left the EU we could deport them.

Ninehigh - 20/9/11 at 07:50 PM

Originally posted by BenB
Personally I'd put up a 100 foot wall round the illegal buildings with a one way door.

Siege mentality mofo

Fill it with the last stocks of 4 star and set it on fire?

rusty nuts - 20/9/11 at 08:07 PM

They will all end up in Cottenham at another illegal site! Apart from the idiot with the concrete filled oil drum , he can't move very far!

bmseven - 20/9/11 at 08:42 PM

They can all go and live in the bloody great big houses they already own in Southern Island

Bloody dirty thieving, tax evading, fly tipping Do As You Likey Pikey's

phelpsa - 20/9/11 at 08:59 PM

Originally posted by BenB
Personally I'd put up a 100 foot wall round the illegal buildings with a one way door.

Siege mentality mofo

We had a similar idea. Much easier to keep them out peacefully than to turf them out peacefully. Wall them in, when someone leaves (as they inevitably will) dont let them back in.

mrwibble - 20/9/11 at 09:09 PM

Originally posted by phelpsa
Originally posted by BenB
Personally I'd put up a 100 foot wall round the illegal buildings with a one way door.

Siege mentality mofo

We had a similar idea. Much easier to keep them out peacefully than to turf them out peacefully. Wall them in, when someone leaves (as they inevitably will) dont let them back in.

ahh but that would be against their human rights

David Jenkins - 20/9/11 at 09:11 PM

I think that this sums it up nicely:


Sadly, it's an accurate bit of irony...

russbost - 20/9/11 at 09:52 PM

Count yourself lucky chaps - they're 5 miles down the road from me - I just hope when they finally are moved (as inevitably they will be) they don't come any nearer!
Personally I think they should be uinvited to camp (in bungalows of course) in Vanessa Redgraves garden.

Simon - 20/9/11 at 09:57 PM

So pikeys are very capable of turning a green field site to brown so why not give them a brown field site to start with.

As for this lot, perhaps a daisy cutter. Ah, the oirony (sic) is in the name



splitrivet - 20/9/11 at 11:03 PM

Dont worry once theyve got all the copper out of the local empty buildings legged it with all the manhole covers and cleared the railway of whatever wiring they can filch not forgetting of course to skanking any pensioners with a ton of cold set tarmac, they'll move on.

[Edited on 20/9/11 by splitrivet]

jossey - 21/9/11 at 08:43 AM

AS ABOVE This is doing my head in and so unfair... it takes an average of 8 months to get a court order to get rid of people who build on green belt but here we are 10 years later.

I have a barn with no planning permission im fighting to get through with the local council on a 80 year old barn which is hiden from the road and falling down and getting turned down.

if this goes pete tong then im just building on it and declaring myself a gypsie. lol

tomgregory2000 - 21/9/11 at 09:17 AM

there is no place in the "modern" uk for them its as simple as that

did anybody watch the dispatches, dale farm?
they were chatting to one old boy about when he stole £65K from a post office and said that basically it was his right to have that money.

they just make me angry and leave where ever thay stay in a right mess for others to sort out grrrrrrr

whiz - 21/9/11 at 09:52 AM

Bull doze the bloody place PIKEY BA*%!&%DS