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Tech things I would most like to see and never will.
Ivan - 16/9/12 at 07:21 AM

I know this is kind of pointless but there are some things I would love to see in real life:

A modern-ish battle ship firing all its guns. (Like the Bismark)

An old ship of the line firing broadsides. (Like the Victory)

A WW2 dogfight.

A pre-aerodynamics aids Grand Prix.

One of the things I have seen is a battle helicopter hovering over a quarry and firing all guns (2 X 4 barrel Lewises) into it - a stupendous sight.

tegwin - 16/9/12 at 07:55 AM

Woa you have some very destructive desires, I would like to see you get some help :-p

loggyboy - 16/9/12 at 08:03 AM

My tech wish list goes the other way.

Time travel
Cloaking Device

A bit Sadtrek, and whilst I cant be sure I will 'never' see them, its highly inlikely.

liam.mccaffrey - 16/9/12 at 08:05 AM

I have to say a pre aero grand prix would be amazing

bob tatt - 16/9/12 at 08:14 AM

A remote control with mute button for the wife

designer - 16/9/12 at 08:20 AM


pre aero grand prix would be amazing

Luckily I saw Keke Rosberg fighting and 'throwing around' a 1000bhp (some say 1200bhp for qualifying!!) Williams FW10 around Silverstone. 1985? Once you have seen that the modern era of 'scalectric', 'on rails' cars are nothing!

bi22le - 16/9/12 at 08:30 AM

Not a full grid but goodwood FOS will show you some classic F1. I went about 5 years ago when they were celebrating 100 years of F1.

5 days of petroleum heaven and ringing ears!!

steve m - 16/9/12 at 08:33 AM

An end to all this needles killing,

All wars for what ever reason to end

For us all to live happilly with whoever, despite creed or religion or colour

For all War machinery, boats tanks planes, guns etc to be destroyed

For all imigrants in the UK who are benifit scroungers to Fuck off home, the ones that work and support there familys can stay

For us to vote for a Political party, and they actually do what they promised

all abit never never land ! sorry!

scootz - 16/9/12 at 08:37 AM

Originally posted by loggyboy
My tech wish list goes the other way.

Time travel
Cloaking Device

A bit Sadtrek, and whilst I cant be sure I will 'never' see them, its highly inlikely.

Pretty much the same as my wish list. And maybe an international 'asshole' detector... anyone committing grand scale assholery is pinpointed and vaporised!

[Edited on 16/9/12 by scootz]

snapper - 16/9/12 at 08:40 AM

Travel to another star

My cousin is constructing a model of this for the British Interplanitary Society


Faster than Light Travel
When you like speed this is the holy grail

I also attended a lecture by Kelvin Long on faster than light travel

We can't be the only ones in the Universe can we

emwmarine - 16/9/12 at 08:51 AM

Originally posted by liam.mccaffrey
I have to say a pre aero grand prix would be amazing

Hmmm... Let me think. You could could just go and see one of the many, many historic GP races and hey presto your amazing wish would come true.

Jon Ison - 16/9/12 at 09:05 AM

Originally posted by steve m
An end to all this needles killing,

All wars for what ever reason to end

For us all to live happilly with whoever, despite creed or religion or colour

For all War machinery, boats tanks planes, guns etc to be destroyed

For all imigrants in the UK who are benifit scroungers to Fuck off home, the ones that work and support there familys can stay

For us to vote for a Political party, and they actually do what they promised

all abit never never land ! sorry!

I could live with that list.

AndyW - 16/9/12 at 09:22 AM

technically I would like to see:

GROUP B Rally cars back like these
Pre aero F1


actually build your own sports car for £250

[Edited on 16/9/12 by AndyW]

[Edited on 16/9/12 by AndyW]

[Edited on 16/9/12 by AndyW]

Slimy38 - 16/9/12 at 10:07 AM

Originally posted by emwmarine
Originally posted by liam.mccaffrey
I have to say a pre aero grand prix would be amazing

Hmmm... Let me think. You could could just go and see one of the many, many historic GP races and hey presto your amazing wish would come true.

I'm not as convinced. I get the impression when people were driving these cars the first time round they were really going for it, 'no guts no glory' so to speak. That would have been spectacular to watch. When they put them back on the track many decades later they seem more paranoid about damaging the car (and themselves) so I expect the racing is 'diluted' for want of a better word.

My ultimate disappointing race was an Aston Martin race, there was all sorts of exotic machinery that sounded incredible, but none of them wanted to risk damage so it was fifteen procession laps.

I think I'd have to look at the time travel device first, so I could go back in time and watch them when thy were first being raced...

Oh yeah, and the immigrant one sounds good, but I'd actually extend it to Brits who are benefit scroungers!

SteveWallace - 16/9/12 at 10:20 AM

I'm going to try to build a time machine next weekend and if I'm successful, I'll put a post with full instructions on here yesterday.

MikeRJ - 16/9/12 at 10:43 AM

Originally posted by scootz
Pretty much the same as my wish list. And maybe an international 'asshole' detector... anyone committing grand scale assholery is pinpointed and vaporised!

There would be a lot of smoke over Westminster then...

scudderfish - 16/9/12 at 11:48 AM

Originally posted by loggyboy
Cloaking Device

You'll never see a working cloaking device

rusty nuts - 16/9/12 at 12:32 PM

I've seen a few world war 2 dogfights, well I saw them in 1967 when the Battle of Britain was being filmed .

nick205 - 16/9/12 at 01:30 PM

Originally posted by bob tatt
A remote control with mute button for the wife

put me down for one of those provided it works on kids as well!

coozer - 16/9/12 at 01:39 PM

I would love to go back to August 1822 and see the very first railway haul its first load, have a look around the town and see what the population boom did to it..

StevenB - 16/9/12 at 02:59 PM

Yep +1 for a teleporter.

While I love flying albeit the first and last 10 minutes
the middle several hours sitting cramped up is mind numbingly boring and
completely ruins any enjoyment I have for going on holidays.

Walking into my local Hilton and being wisked to the Hilton Seychelles
from foyer to foyer is my sort of travel plans.

I also do like Steve Ms idea of living happily together regardless of colour religion etc......
apart from them spongin immigrants....classic. : -)
And you were so close to that humanitarian peace prize nomination.

Mr C - 16/9/12 at 04:35 PM

Originally posted by SteveWallace
I'm going to try to build a time machine next weekend and if I'm successful, I'll put a post with full instructions on here yesterday.

and you may even be back before you started....

jeffw - 16/9/12 at 04:43 PM

I saw USS Missouri firing her main guns at Roosevelt Roads, although we where some distance away (4-5miles) it was still impressive.

Ivan - 16/9/12 at 04:50 PM

Originally posted by jeffw
I saw USS Missouri firing her main guns at Roosevelt Roads, although we where some distance away (4-5miles) it was still impressive.

I bet - in Simon's Town there are some coastal defense guns that can't be fired because they will break every closed window in the town - apparently when they test fired them during WW2 they sent a messenger around town to tell all residents to open their windows. Have visited some of them and they still look very impressive, think there is a serious tourism opportunity going wanting for a tour of them with sound and smoke effects and some good video.

jeffw - 16/9/12 at 06:00 PM

To protect the RN Dockyard (as was).

02GF74 - 17/9/12 at 10:32 AM

A car engine that runs on water.
A toaster that does not burn bread.
Fresh milk which does not go off.

Ninehigh - 17/9/12 at 10:52 AM

Originally posted by 02GF74
A car engine that runs on water. Been done already, depending on who you believe
A toaster that does not burn bread. I've heard this has something to a person's right to burnt bread
Fresh milk which does not go off. Powdered?

Mr Whippy - 17/9/12 at 11:05 AM

I’d have loved to see a zeppelin like the Hindenburg, the sheer size of that flying above you must have been mind blowing

Ivan - 17/9/12 at 11:25 AM

Originally posted by 02GF74
A car engine that runs on water.
A toaster that does not burn bread.
Fresh milk which does not go off.

I wish I could find a toaster that actually stood a chance of burning bread - normally it takes two goes to get the toast dark enough.

MikeRJ - 17/9/12 at 11:30 AM

Originally posted by 02GF74
Fresh milk which does not go off.

Originally posted by Ninehigh

Powdered milk is not fresh, unless there is a special breed of cow that can produced powdered milk from it's udders

[Edited on 17/9/12 by MikeRJ]

loggyboy - 17/9/12 at 12:14 PM

Originally posted by steve m
An end to all this needles killing,

You right, and all the pins and nails that should be protect from the this mindless act!

Slimy38 - 17/9/12 at 12:31 PM

Originally posted by Mr Whippy
I’d have loved to see a zeppelin like the Hindenburg, the sheer size of that flying above you must have been mind blowing

Ah, you've been watching that episode of Doctor Who where they travel to a parallel universe to fight the Cybermen...

02GF74 - 17/9/12 at 05:57 PM

Originally posted by Ninehigh
Originally posted by 02GF74
A car engine that runs on water. Been done already, depending on who you believe

Nope, don't believe you. In case it was not clear, water is the only source of energy.

Ivan - 17/9/12 at 06:04 PM

I will add the Hindenburgh to my list and maybe some of the very large flying boats.

JoelP - 17/9/12 at 08:00 PM

Originally posted by 02GF74
Originally posted by Ninehigh
Originally posted by 02GF74
A car engine that runs on water. Been done already, depending on who you believe

Nope, don't believe you. In case it was not clear, water is the only source of energy.

Seeing as water is already quite seriously oxidised, its going to be difficult to do much with that idea!