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Hands up whos on call
mangogrooveworkshop - 26/8/08 at 10:36 PM

The money has stayed the same for years and the charm of going to chavsville in the dark has long worn off.........
hate being on call

blakep82 - 26/8/08 at 10:38 PM

we should swap jobs then...

ashg - 26/8/08 at 10:41 PM

i have to do on call every 6weeks. i hate getting phone calls from stupid social services users at 1am saying their computer is broke. usually get down there and nothing is wrong!

mangogrooveworkshop - 26/8/08 at 10:43 PM

fixing services in the street after having feral kids destroying the equipment is no fun...

still cube farming would put me up the wall

blakep82 - 26/8/08 at 10:45 PM

i thought you meant the type of on call, where you get paid for not having to go out most of the time...


mangogrooveworkshop - 26/8/08 at 10:45 PM

Originally posted by ashg
i have to do on call every 6weeks. i hate getting phone calls from stupid social services users at 1am saying their computer is broke. usually get down there and nothing is wrong!

try fixing copper cables for the sick when they have umteen mobiles on their table......999 is a free call dopey

splitrivet - 26/8/08 at 10:47 PM

I used to hate being on call.It was always the same pillocks who called you out at 9 at night, for a job that started acting up that morning.

mangogrooveworkshop - 26/8/08 at 10:48 PM

Originally posted by blakep82
i thought you meant the type of on call, where you get paid for not having to go out most of the time...


wish it was that way but the systems where put in by irish natives on quality is lacking..... + copper and salt water dont make good joints.....

blakep82 - 26/8/08 at 10:52 PM

well turns out for me that i'm being watched very closely at work for any little thing i do to give me the sack. i've not done anything majorly wrong (ok, not totally innocent either) but they've been trying to wee me off for a long time to get rid of me... great...

Andi - 26/8/08 at 10:57 PM

Doing a 24 hr with sleep in. Started at 13.00, finish tomorrow 13.30 with the possibility of sleep between midnight and 8am in a crazy house full of the most uindesirable people out there.

YQUSTA - 26/8/08 at 11:38 PM

Know the feeling well chaps

1 in 4 callout here

the 1's i hate are the 6 hour round trip to reseat a card at 3 am when the customer isn't 24hrs grrrrrr


dave1888 - 27/8/08 at 06:48 AM

Thankfully call finished for me last month still get called though when the on call engineers dont answer there phones.

ecosse - 27/8/08 at 07:50 AM

I did on call 2 out of 4 for 7 years, it finished at the end of last year and it was like having a weight lifted when it went, don't miss it at all.

I do kind of miss the £125 a week I got for doing it though!

DaveFJ - 27/8/08 at 07:56 AM

On call 1 week in 5... £2500 extra a year for the privelige and £50 an hour for call outs...

and only 3 call outs this year so far....

works for me guv

oh yes, nearly forgot, I can only be called out by a senior support analyst if they have exhausted their own resources to solve problem.... unless i 'choose' to be called out (want the extra cash)

[Edited on 27-8-08 by DaveFJ]