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Alloy hub studs
Pdlewis - 12/7/08 at 07:32 PM


Ive been trying to find somewhere for the last couple of weeks that can push the studs into my olloy hubs without any luck, is it possable to draw the stud through using a wheel and nut? or is that a silly idea?



clairetoo - 12/7/08 at 07:39 PM

That's just what I did...................

jacko - 12/7/08 at 07:51 PM

use the wheel; nuts and washers

liam.mccaffrey - 12/7/08 at 07:57 PM

I used a socket as a spacer and pressed them in with a vice.

be careful though with the alloy hub and the stud splines

Fatgadget - 12/7/08 at 08:03 PM

^^ That is how its done by the professionals. Years ago I was at David O'Brians workshop-the man behind Race and Rally transmissions.Lo and behold I spotted a pimply apprentice doing just that to Group 4 alloy hubs that were destined for Ari Vatanens Rothmans Escort!

02GF74 - 12/7/08 at 08:03 PM

As Liam I did 2 of mine (2 missing on each rear drive) with vice but they did not go in square - fortunately I was just about able to get the wheel on and pulled them using wheel nuts - whcih trued them up.,

so whilst its sound like a good idea, my own experience says you are better off pulling using a wheel.

indykid - 12/7/08 at 08:04 PM

grease the threads of the stud well if using a wheelnut and washers or it makes real hard work of an otherwise easy job.


Richard Quinn - 12/7/08 at 10:32 PM

I did mine using an old wheel nut and a couple of washers. Greased the threads and the washers first and it was relatively straightforward.

viatron - 12/7/08 at 10:33 PM

did 8 studs in 2 ally hubs using a wheel and wheel nuts only this afternoon, a good long breaker bar makes it easier

[Edited on 12-7-2008 by viatron]