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Best place to buy Leatherette Material?
The Venom Project - 16/3/11 at 12:25 PM


I need to buy 2 lots of 8x4 ft Leatherette or vinyl, all being well in Kawasaki ish green

Wondered where is the best place to shop?

Remember seeing various people at Kitcar events selling the stuff, just need it now :-)



Hammerhead - 16/3/11 at 01:35 PM

i've used spectrum vinyls before. they do lots of colours

Daddylonglegs - 16/3/11 at 02:29 PM

I think the Lime is probably the nearest to Kwaka green you'll get chap

martin1973 - 16/3/11 at 03:03 PM

try boyes?
i got mine from there, but i dunno about zakakaki green.