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Bits for Sale
BMF - 26/11/08 at 05:33 PM


I have a few bits for sale as follows;

1x Nippon Denso alternator (2nd Hand) - bought for an XE

1x Cav Mk 2 Distrbutor and Cap (2nd Hand) to convert an XE to carbs - No wires or brain with it

1x Punch set for doing chassis numbers etc

1x Pair of 110mm bottom mount headlamps
Very compact headlamp unit e-marked takes H4 halogen bulb c/w s/lt.
Carbon fibre look a like

I have lost one of the main beam bulbs and holders though, but do have a spare glass

If interested send me a u2u and make me an offer or they are going on Ebay

Cheers, Ben

philw - 26/11/08 at 05:38 PM


BMF - 26/11/08 at 05:41 PM

Back at you

Ben_Copeland - 26/11/08 at 05:49 PM

Interested in the alternator and punch set.

U2U me with prices and availablity please. dibs depending on these please

BMF - 26/11/08 at 05:52 PM

U2U sent

Meeerrrk - 26/11/08 at 06:03 PM

U2U sent

Ben_Copeland - 26/11/08 at 09:01 PM

U2U replied too....

Thinking i might actually beable to collect!