Lowered airbox and inlet rubbers for Kwaka ZX12R. Looks like a home made effort, but not a bad job. The base-plate could easily be changed to suit
different engine configurations. £39 UK delivered.
Fitted, but not used ZX12R Sprocket to Prop adaptor. £29 UK delivered.
Used ZX12R down-pipes. £20 UK delivered.
Used ZX12R fuel tank complete with pump and level sender. £49 UK delivered.
[Edited on 2/5/09 by scootz]
u2u re: airbox. How high is it??
About this high... :forefinger-and-thumb-apart-type-smiley:
Will measure later today and get back to you!
Cheers mate, if it fits under my Indy bonnet I'll take it off yer hands
It's about three and three quarter inches high.
Sorry mate, a bit too high for the Indy.
No bother!