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FS: Low Back Seats
Ben_Copeland - 31/8/09 at 12:31 PM

I've changed the seats in my car to some Tritons... so these are to go.

Scratched and bit of overspray on them. So ideally need a paint if your worried about them looking perfect.

The drivers seat has also been "trimmed" a bit to make it fit in my locost (narrow)

See pictures for more info !

Collection from Margate / West Kingsdown (brandshatch) or Harlow (daytime this week)

I paid £80 for them ages ago... so make an offer around £40?

designer - 2/9/09 at 02:25 PM

I am interested in getting some low seats.

Can you give me the dimensions, or where you got them, then I can see if they fit.


Derek Fisher

Ben_Copeland - 2/9/09 at 08:58 PM

I'll get back will dimensions tomorrow night.


Ben_Copeland - 5/9/09 at 10:38 AM

On ebay now em&item=330357807564&ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT