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For Sale - JAW Wideband Lambda Controller and sensor.
adrianreeve - 25/9/09 at 08:55 AM

Due to a change of plans, I've got a fully built and tested, but never used, JAW Controller and display for sale - £40 posted.

I've also got an almost new lambda sensor to suit the above or an LC1 etc, but the plug has been cut off, so you'll need to source one from somewhere - £20 posted



[Edited on 25/9/09 by adrianreeve]

MakeEverything - 25/9/09 at 10:02 AM

Is it a wideband lambda? Ill have it if it is...

adrianreeve - 25/9/09 at 10:53 AM

It is wideband -- are you after the sensor, controller or both?



MakeEverything - 25/9/09 at 11:21 AM

Originally posted by adrianreeve
It is wideband -- are you after the sensor, controller or both?



Just the sensor, as im running Megasquirt which will give me the readings i need.

adrianreeve - 25/9/09 at 11:48 AM

Which version of megasquirt are you running? I thought that you needed a wideband controller to feed info to the megasquirt, wasn't aware you could directly connect the sensor.

I stand to be corrected of course!



[Edited on 25/9/09 by adrianreeve]

adrianreeve - 25/9/09 at 09:55 PM


MikeRJ - 26/9/09 at 12:09 PM

Originally posted by MakeEverything
Originally posted by adrianreeve
It is wideband -- are you after the sensor, controller or both?



Just the sensor, as im running Megasquirt which will give me the readings i need.

You need the controller as well, unless you already have one.

adrianreeve - 28/9/09 at 12:32 PM


adrianreeve - 9/10/09 at 03:47 PM

Both still available!

Antnicuk - 9/10/09 at 06:33 PM

i'm not very clued up these things, i am looking for a gauge, preferable round but not vital, that will display my A/F ratios accurately. Is that what you are selling?

Antnicuk - 9/10/09 at 06:35 PM

any pictures would be useful also.

[Edited on 9-10-09 by Antnicuk]

adrianreeve - 9/10/09 at 07:13 PM

That is what it is yes, but it's in a digital display, a bit like a big calculator! It needs putting in a housing, and the sensor needs a plug and socket from a scrap car, but its around a third of the price of a complete LC1 with guage, so if you don't mind a bit of work, it's a bargain!

Same as pic in link below (click on see original image) Fid%3D3346056&usg=__le0ptZzqip0Hmu7qebnVS7AZ_jg=&h=1413&w=1335&sz=360&hl=en&start=3&tbnid=tMxKzeWpdhNsuM:&tbnh=150& ;tbnw=142&prev=/images%3Fq%3Djaw%2Bcontroller%26gbv%3D2%26hl%3Den



[Edited on 9/10/09 by adrianreeve]

[Edited on 9/10/09 by adrianreeve]

Antnicuk - 9/10/09 at 07:30 PM

thanks for that, so does the lambda sensor plug into the com port on the bigger board or is there some kind conversion for it?

Does the bigger board come in anykind of box or is it exactly as the picture?

Just seen the blue connector block.

I assume the lambda wires to that?

Does the com port connect it to a laptop? I am using a microtec ecu which also has a com port, how does it link in with that?

Sorry for all the questions

[Edited on 9-10-09 by Antnicuk]

adrianreeve - 10/10/09 at 07:59 PM

Now Sold!