Evening all.
I'm having a bit of a tidy up in the garage and have found a 1.8 CVH that has no use to me what so ever. I can't be bothered to Ebay it so
whoever turns up first can have it. It also has the all important sump on it, and I may even have a cylinder buried some where, but I'm not sure
about the head.
First to reply on here or send a U2U has first dibs.
Any chance of just the sump please?
dibs please. how complete is it.
Right then, Jason has first dibs on the sump, then Mr Arrow unless Carl wants the lot as I want to get rid of the whole thing if possible.
The engine is bare, no ancillaries at all. I may have some of them knocking about in the garage, but I think I binned them in a fit of tidying up one
day. Let me know if it's of use to you Carl.
[Edited on 23/10/09 by DIY Si]