Rear arches - extended ina hurry - need rubbing down, re-filling in places etc etc - not very nice to be honest!
£30 delivered
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Panniers - all the straps and stuff in good nick - was gonna use them on my tour last year on my VFR, in the end I just took next to nothing so not
£30 delivered
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Cat 1 Alarm + Immob.
Removed by me from an XR3i about 2 years ago and labelled up as best as I could but you're gonna need some wiring diagrams and a bit of
£25 delivered
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Some caterham / mini style rocker switches (lights, brake test and heated screen)
VFR800 98-01 front mudguard + ECU cover + bits of clocks and stuff
Box of wiper parts
plus anything else you see in those piccies which Ive forgotten!
U2U me if interested, local collection gets free cup of tea and chat with every purchase!
U2U sent
u2u sent
Rear arches now sold.
All the other stuff still avail. until Sun when it all goes on the bay! Free listing for all btw on Sunday I think.....