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Westfield RAC rollover bar
PumaWestie - 29/7/15 at 12:03 PM

Westfield RAC braced rollover bar for Westfield narrow body live axle car. Complete with removable backstays

16 inches high from base

£120 collected (Warwickshire) or plus cost for courier

07971 576848

furryeggs - 29/7/15 at 03:39 PM

Do you have any measurements? looking for a bar for my Avon.


PumaWestie - 29/7/15 at 06:51 PM

Main hoop is 16 inches high and 34 inches wide between centres of the upright tubes

The backstays are adjustable in both length and angle as they are rose jointed top and bottom. Currently they are set to 31" long

furryeggs - 29/7/15 at 07:02 PM

Many thanks, I'll have a measure in the morning.

furryeggs - 31/7/15 at 02:44 PM

Not gonna be wide enough, it's to narrow by about 3-4inch's

PumaWestie - 5/8/15 at 06:23 PM

Any interest before ebay?

sevaun - 6/8/15 at 11:39 AM

Hi John
I might well be interested, but will need to check measurements tonight if you could wait until then? I'll give you a call when I know.

