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Zetec weber Carbs
S1502 - 23/8/15 at 03:18 PM

Have had these sat in my shed since i brought my car.

I am never going to use them so be good to shift them so someone else can put them to use.

Not sure on the value obviously they could do with a good clean.

If your interested or have any idea on value please help me out.

Collection from Eastbourne

coozer - 23/8/15 at 03:51 PM

All I can say is they are very valuable indeed!

Get them cleaned up, flog them on and enjoy the 3 weeks in Florida off them!

S1502 - 23/8/15 at 03:58 PM

Ill get cleaning any idea what ball park figure would be reasonable to ask for as id like them gone no point in gathering dust

mark chandler - 23/8/15 at 04:44 PM

Give then a blast with soda crystals, they will come up like new!

Those filters were around £100, manifold I guess £200 carbs £300 a piece so at least £1000 new, must be worth £350 - £500 after a really good clean.

S1502 - 23/8/15 at 04:46 PM

Thanks ive got them out of the shed and cleaning now