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High Tech - Low Skill Carbon Fibre Chassis
Camber Dave - 18/12/16 at 11:37 AM

Due to the illness of the owner, I have to dispose of a nearly finished Carbon Fibre chassis (tub).

It was designed to a brief from my business partner, soon after we set up Track Developments, to compete in Castle Combe GT’s .
It is for a mid-engine two seater sports racing car, and would make a very light trackday or race car.
Before I list it on eBay or Racecars Direct I am inviting serious parties to contact me and come and talk through what we have on offer and how to finish it.

The high tech parts are very strong and light, Carbon skinned, Alloy honeycomb flat panels made by Technical Resin Bonders in Northampton. The low skill bit is making and attaching the connecting lap strips and angles. Easy to do, but time consuming….
A huge amount of Carbon material, moulds, bagging material, Vacuum pump, hard points, frame work, build trolley, designs, fuel tank, parts and help available for less than a third of the material cost.

All you need to finish the tub is some fresh Epoxy resin to make the strips and both quick and slower setting adhesive to attach them - Less than £100. (Material spec and suppliers contact details provided) Oh and many hours of time – usually in 2 to 3 hour tranches.

There is also available a set of flash moulds to make a body similar to an Audi Le Mans car.

It is buried under moulds, panels and dust so email for pics which I will take during a tidy up over Christmas

Location North Wilts (M4 J 17)

Dave Gallop
Track Developments
07977 948883

Camber Dave - 2/1/17 at 02:48 PM

Now On Race Cars Direct
