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Toyo r888 15”
Acac - 25/6/21 at 09:28 PM

Thought I would offer them on here first before ebay .

Toyo r888
215 50 15 x 2. £75
205 50 15 x 2. £75

Toyo r888 just removed from my car , minimum tread 4.13mm to a max of 4.75mm ( they only came with 5mm tread from new ) so very little use .
Ideal if somebody wants to try some track bias tyres before buying new .

Not sure how to add pictures but if anybody wants any if you u2u me your phone number or email I can send some over .

Adam .

wowblaauw - 26/6/21 at 06:06 PM

Hi, where are you based? Am interested in these

Acac - 27/6/21 at 03:49 AM

U2U sent .

Acac - 6/7/21 at 05:36 AM
