Ill get a pic up in a bit, but its the base plate that goes on the carbs/throttle boddies, and you bolt a sausage filter to. It looks very nice and
was bought as I have a thing for carbon!!! mmmmm carbon!!!
£60 to your door, as it cost me £60 plus p&p, and its still in the box it was sent to me in - Ive used the std air box.
this work for GXSR 750 throttle boddies?? what else do i need?
ill take it if it does!
u2u sent!
Cool, replied!!
kris - do you want still want it?
still for sale, here are some pics.....
£60 here mate.
U2U sent
dimensions are...........
comical diagram sorry!
bttt as still not received the cheque in the post, or had any pms replied...
U2U sent
pm replied mate.