presure regulater 1o
stearing extensions 15
8 fuse fusebox 5
mk i escort rack 5
edis 4 5
westfield nose cone pre lit 25
westfield bonnet slight damage easy fix 20
sieara hand brakes x2 5
wrap around fly screen mk 10
cooling fans x3 5
more to follow postadge to be added
piks to follow
U2U sent re fly screen
u2u sent re hand brake and rack
Originally posted by dave-69isit
westfield bonnet slight damage easy fix 20
u2u re fans
I could be interested in the fuse box subject to type.
Pics please?
are these things still for sale? never heard back from my u2u
u2u sent re edis
It is a long shot, but do you still have the Westfield Prelit nose cone for sale. If so, I'm very interested.