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Davies Craig Electronic Water Pump Controller
peterrosey - 11/8/08 at 08:06 PM

Want the ultimate in cooling? Then use this electronic water controller. This is the fancy digital one that has a computer to control your Davies Craig electric water pump (is a plug-and-play unit in conjunction with a Davies Craig electric water pump - can be used with either the 80litre version EWP80 or the 110 litre version EWP110).

I actually have two of these for sale. Both have been used but are as new. Wiring loom with each one and full instructions.

Not used on my car in the end so no longer needed.

Retail for £157 at Merlin Motorsport so total bargain at £60 each (inc P&P).

Peter R 07866 634086

[Edited on 11/8/08 by peterrosey]

bilbo - 11/8/08 at 08:16 PM

You have U2U

SJL - 12/8/08 at 08:36 AM

You have another U2U

BenB - 12/8/08 at 10:48 AM

Is it autographed????

bugsbunny - 12/8/08 at 03:20 PM

Have these been sold?