I've acquired a few of these gas regulators and wondered if they'd be any use to any of you welders?
Basically, as far as I can tell, they are 25 bar in, 10 bar out gas regulators. 3/8 input and output, with a little tap on them! And a back plate
that allows them to be fixed to a wall / surface.
Comes complete with a gauge (0-16 bar and 0-230 lbf/in).
Say £5 each, plus P&P?
If they are any good to anyone, let me know.
25 bar is nowhere near high enough for bottle pressure, most are filled to 300 bar or at least 100 bar.
Thanks Pete
I was just looking on ebay at gas regs, and most seemed to be about that range.
Oh well, skip it is then!
[Edited on 25/8/08 by Guinness]
They could be propane/butane regulators, they are much lower rated.
Don't skip them - they look like laboratory regulators... Punt them on ebay I reckon. JC
They look like hospital oxygen regulators which are lower rated for their internal system now I studied them a bit.