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Which tablet?
designer - 9/11/12 at 05:39 PM

I am a computer 'numpty' so could you experts help?

I have a notebook which is only used when I travel, and it's three years old.

The Mrs wants an update to a tablet! Which one?

All I know is that I would not like to go below a 9in screen and don't want to spend a lot on something only used three times a year.

whitestu - 9/11/12 at 05:55 PM

Other than on cost the Ipads are hard to beat. I fancy one but think I'll wait a bit and get a Windows 8 device. IMHO the Android devices are really worth having.


mad4x4 - 9/11/12 at 06:10 PM

Saw the new ipad mini yesterday - way cool

designer - 9/11/12 at 06:16 PM

For the few times it gets used an Ipad is too expensive, just need something to check Emails on.

Humbug - 9/11/12 at 06:48 PM

I would have a look at some of the top end 7" one before saying 9" minimum. The Nexus 7 and Samsung 7 have good screens and, if you really only want to check emails, you can get a 7" noname tablet from ebuyer for less than £100. I have a "Sumvision Cyclone Astro+" from ebuyer; screen is not fantastic but fine for emails, internet, etc. and OK for watching the odd video too. Just checked ebuyer and it is £69.99 with 16GB onboard storage (and it has a slot for a microSD).

My wife has an iPad2 which is great but it was a lot more expensive and it is a bit big for carrying around.

My son has a Samsung 7 - 8GB onboard but again has a microSD slot. More expensive but good

Asus/Google Nexus 7 with 16GB is now £160

Google for reviews and have a look before you buy

Good luck!


dave - 9/11/12 at 06:53 PM

I have an Ipad 2 and a Nexus7 and imho the nexus 7 is a better screen, very sharp and clear. I still prefer the Ipad though.

PSpirine - 9/11/12 at 07:34 PM

I've got an ipad on contract (£169 up front + £29 a month for a 32GB 3G version), and genuinely can't fault it. Get lots of use out of it! I think 7" is a tad small for me as I already have an iPhone and my tablet is more of a laptop replacement.. My MacBook only ever gets used to charge the iPad! :O

big-vee-twin - 9/11/12 at 07:37 PM

Nexus 7 is a fantastic piece of kit and very well built,

If you look at the reviews between it and the mini iPad the iPad comes no where near.

steve m - 9/11/12 at 07:57 PM

I am not a techie person, at al, but my ipad, is brilliant, infact so good, i dont get to use it


austin man - 9/11/12 at 08:42 PM

I have the Sony Tablet and more than happy with it, still quite expensive to buy though £350 plus. The Samsung tablet is apparently a really good one I saw that jessops where offereing one free with on of the new samsung cameras not sure of price. But if your after a camera as well it has to be worth looking into

Slimy38 - 9/11/12 at 08:57 PM

This is a pretty good deal;

£119 for a Samsung Galaxy Tab 2.

nick205 - 9/11/12 at 10:32 PM

You will use it all the time, guarantee it. After resisting for some time and swearing by my laptop I got an iPad 3 through work. It is pretty flawless TBH and has changed the way I use the internet and manage work/private email.

The simple fact that you can pick it up and it's just ON, with no boot up time means you pick it up and check a website, email etc so much more easily. I'm lucky enough to have it at home as well and the wife and kids can't get off it. Kids mainly for games of which there's hundreds, wife for eBay, recipes etc.

I'd be looking for an iPad2 either new or refurb if it was my own dosh.

mark chandler - 9/11/12 at 11:13 PM

Ipad 3 here also, laptop has now been consigned to under the sofa !

Open it and its running, simple set up and battery lasts all day, it's the mutts nuts.

Surrey Dave - 10/11/12 at 11:31 PM

Originally posted by Slimy38
This is a pretty good deal;

£119 for a Samsung Galaxy Tab 2.

Been trying to decide for a while but at this price , it's an easy choice.

Bought one today , have wasted loads of time with it already.

Can anyone suggest some GOOD free android games?

craig1410 - 11/11/12 at 12:40 AM

I'm going to cut to the chase...get an iPad. There are plenty of iPad options from refurbished iPad 2's to iPad minis to iPad 3rd and 4th gen. Technology costs a certain amount of money but is worth nothing unless it provides value. Numerous surveys show that iPad owners actually *use* their tablets and generate huge amounts of web traffic. Other tablets...not so much!

Let me elaborate a little bit. There are several tablets which try to compete with the iPad and on pure hardware specs some of them get close but that is only the start of iPad ownership. You need to take into account the Apple/iTunes/Apps eco-system which is way ahead of any of the competition and likely to stay that way for many years to come. You also need to take into account the iOS software which is pretty polished compared to the competition.

I've just bought my wife an iPad mini and she loves it. In fact she took it to bed tonight and left me in the living room...go figure!

Kwik - 11/11/12 at 09:59 AM

im very anti apple and hate there obsolecent design...

so i would suggest waiting half a month or so and looking at the new google nexus 10, not sure when the new one will be released, but the reviews are ery good, as with the nexus 7 and nexus 4 phone...

David Jenkins - 11/11/12 at 10:35 AM

Apple stuff is very good - but I'm not prepared to pay the high premium to own one. I'm not impressed with their restrictive operating methods either. My son and his wife have had an iPad for a while, and they've moved over to a Nexus 7 and a laptop as the iPad just doesn't do what they want.

I have recently bought a Nexus 7 (32Gb) and I'm very impressed with it. I did buy it a protective case, but that doesn't add much to the size and it has one great advantage - it has a magnet in the lid that puts the tablet into standby when closed, and wakes it up when opened, so instant access. I now have a few movies on there, all my music, and quite a few useful utilities. My wife is a computer novice, but she finds it easy to use (we have quite a few family photos on it, which she can show off to friends).

The one major downside if you want it for checking emails & stuff is that it doesn't have 3G access, so you're reliant on access to WiFi - but that's getting easier to find every day. They are doing a 3G version soon though. Saying that - I use my HTC Smartphone for checking emails away from home. An alternative is to look for a mobile WiFi hub, which is a pocket-sized device with a data SIM inside. You make a connection and up to 5 devices can link to it via WiFi. I'm still investigating that option...

nick205 - 16/11/12 at 12:47 AM


Why spend out on mobile hub when your smart phone will so that already?

I use my phone and iPad or laptop that way frequently when there's no Wi-Fi available

blakep82 - 16/11/12 at 12:59 AM

android all the way. if i was buying for me, samsung galaxy tab 2, probably 10"
if its just to check emails and stuff, nexus 7 is made by acer (or asus?) but is branded as google. currys have an offer just now:
£20 cashback if you buy any case (cheapest 15 quid i think

or samsung
with 80 quid cashback, so just under £200

even cheaper, is the blackberry playbook 64gb. not android, but currys selling it for £129 just now

[Edited on 16/11/12 by blakep82]

ken555 - 16/11/12 at 10:07 AM

Carphone warehouse have the Samsung Tab2 for £149 with £50 cash back, so less that £100.

Or £149 - £30 cashback and a 8Gb Sd card.

David Jenkins - 16/11/12 at 10:47 AM

Originally posted by nick205

Why spend out on mobile hub when your smart phone will so that already?

I use my phone and iPad or laptop that way frequently when there's no Wi-Fi available

T-mobile don't allow tethering - otherwise I would!


They seem to have changed their mind! Tethering now works - T-mobile blocked it ages ago, so they must have relented.

Anyway - thanks for the reminder, else I wouldn't have tried it again!

[Edited on 16/11/12 by David Jenkins]

Mr Whippy - 16/11/12 at 12:16 PM

I have had my ipad 2 for a week now and I just love it and have replaced my phone to with it.

I was in Bergen the last couple of days, video phoned the wife in the evenings, used it as a sat nav in the car, took photo's of the construction yard then wrote a report on it before emailing it and the photos back to the office plus played games and watched film on youtube, then read magazines on the plane back. So much amazing capabilty

Now fitting it to my dash in the car as my stereo, satnav and video phone, it's like something out of James Bond! totally worth every penny IMO

splitrivet - 16/11/12 at 12:44 PM

Samsung galaxy tab 10.1 for me after a shaky start androids just getting better and better. Just replaced my jailbroken iphone4 with a galaxy s3, miles better than iphone and no stupid itunes. Plus Apple havent got me by the short and curlies.