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Wing Brackets With Raceleda Uprights
Litemoth - 23/8/08 at 10:37 PM

Has anyone converted from sierra uprights to Raceleda ones?

If so, how did you connect your wing stays? They can now only bolt on lower down (on the steering arm) and as a result will have a greater tendancy to whip about and crack.

PAUL FISHER - 24/8/08 at 12:47 AM

I did mine like this no problems with vibration or breaking yet.

PAUL FISHER - 24/8/08 at 12:48 AM

and close up

viatron - 24/8/08 at 08:31 AM

very nice job Paul, its made me have a rethink as to how im going to do oursa. BTW and possibly a stumbling block to your plan Litemoth but i think rally design only offer those in cortina geometary unless anyone know different?

Litemoth - 24/8/08 at 09:42 AM

Thanks Paul.

That's the type of thing i was thinking of, I just had a crisis of confidence!.
I was tending towards welding onto the steering arm bosses but your is a nicer job.

I was thinking of trying to tie into the top ball joint somehow but if this is ok, then i'll run with it.

How thick is your tube wall?

I bought mine as Sierra geometry ones from MNR so I hope they're ok. The caliper mounts are Cortina spec though.

[Edited on 24/8/08 by Litemoth]

[Edited on 24/8/08 by Litemoth]

StevieB - 24/8/08 at 11:37 AM


Are they sierra geometry raceleda uprights you used?

I was under the impression that MNR had stopped producing the sierra fitment, which scuppers the entire rest of us kit builders if thats the case (until someone else produces a sierra geometry upright)

PAUL FISHER - 24/8/08 at 12:19 PM

I am not sure what gauge tube is used,they are modified standard MK ones.its pretty lightweight stuff though.

Originally posted by Litemoth
Thanks Paul.

That's the type of thing i was thinking of, I just had a crisis of confidence!.
I was tending towards welding onto the steering arm bosses but your is a nicer job.

I was thinking of trying to tie into the top ball joint somehow but if this is ok, then i'll run with it.

How thick is your tube wall?

I bought mine as Sierra geometry ones from MNR so I hope they're ok. The caliper mounts are Cortina spec though.

[Edited on 24/8/08 by Litemoth]

[Edited on 24/8/08 by Litemoth]

PAUL FISHER - 24/8/08 at 12:25 PM

Yes they are the Sierra ones,I purchased them from MNR over 2 years ago,before I even started to build my car,as you say I dont think you can get them anymore,which is a shame,because I would like some on my next build.

Originally posted by StevieB

Are they sierra geometry raceleda uprights you used?

I was under the impression that MNR had stopped producing the sierra fitment, which scuppers the entire rest of us kit builders if thats the case (until someone else produces a sierra geometry upright)

Litemoth - 24/8/08 at 04:41 PM

Mine are Sierra geometry ones (I hope)

I bought mine quite a while ago too