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Savage switch wiring
Sierra - 19/3/16 at 03:05 PM

Right just wondering if anyone can help. Everything was working fine in the summer but when I went to take it out now I found that the fuse would blow when turning the side lights on. So if I press the button once for side light fuse blows, press it again and low beam comes on as normal. All but side lights still work but the back lights no longer work on the switches. I took the dash off and accidentally disconnected a few wires to the switches. Connected back where I think they went but then found that the stop button didn't work. Ordered new switch block and stop button now works but side light still blows fuse. Bought a load of fuses off eBay to find that they don't blow but melt :0. Put a 10a fuse in for side lights, press button only to see smoke from the red wire going from start button to stop button. Fuse melted!
I've drawn out how the switches are wired up below, can anyone see an issue which may cause this issue.
[IMG][/IMG ]

[Edited on 19/3/16 by Sierra]

Sierra - 21/3/16 at 02:20 PM

There must be some auto electricians on here

ste - 30/3/16 at 10:15 PM

On your start button, you have got a live and ground on pins 2 & 3 on the bottom part of the switch



It doesn't make sense, unless you have connected them to 1 & 2, in which case you have got a direct short to ground.

Your wiring diagram doesn't really have much info in it, but that's the most obvious.

Sierra - 31/3/16 at 06:46 AM

Thanks for the reply.
I've actually sorted it all now. I literally started a fresh and all is working