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Can we all get let off for dangerous stunts?
speedyxjs - 20/4/10 at 07:16 AM


alistairolsen - 20/4/10 at 07:20 AM

right, so i drive up a deserted road well within my limits at 10pm and the fuckers stick dangerous driving on my by lying in court, he rams a 44 tonne truck through a barrier destroying railway property and damaging the truck, not to mention the possible consequences if the train hadnt stopped, and he got 3 points and £220?

This country stinks more than I thought!

55ant - 20/4/10 at 07:25 AM


"However, if people do blatantly ignore the law we will have no hesitation in pursuing prosecutions in court."

thats all well and good but not if the courts are incapable of serving proper sentences. i got 3 points and a £60 fine for talking on my mobile, for an extre hundred quid i could have plowed through a massive barrier into the path of a passenger train in a vehicle that regardless of what its filled with, would be very heavy.

i think that if you face a driving ban, if you have a serious need to have a car, ie job, see kids etc etc, the courts take this into consideration

alistairolsen - 20/4/10 at 07:33 AM

yes, and its his livelihood (despite the fact hes not very good at it evidently) but IMO 11 points and a 1500 fine payable weekly would have been closer to the mark!

Humbug - 20/4/10 at 07:35 AM

Lucky the train managed to stop in time before hitting the sewage tanker, otherwise it could have been like our politicians: spreading sh¡t all over the countryside

omega0684 - 20/4/10 at 08:11 AM

hang him i say, WHAT A C@CK!

coozer - 20/4/10 at 08:14 AM

Jail time I say...

FFTS - 20/4/10 at 09:14 AM


i think that if you face a driving ban, if you have a serious need to have a car, ie job, see kids etc etc, the courts take this into consideration

Yep!!! just like the passengers on the train need to be alive to go to their jobs and see their kids again!

My partner did 36mph past a camera on a very quiet country lane, police sent her an admit it ticket for 3 points and £60 fine but she took advice and was told its not up to her to incriminate anyone but for the police to supply PROOF it was her so she asked for the police to provide photographic evidence that it was her driving. They sent her a summons for court for 6 points (3 for speeding and 3 for failure to disclose evidence) and £150 fines.

[Edited on 20/4/10 by FFTS]

iDENTITi - 20/4/10 at 04:22 PM

I drive over that level crossing a lot... It's er, kinda hard to miss? He woulda seen those lights quite easily.

Confused but excited. - 20/4/10 at 05:53 PM

£45 costs...WTF?
What about the cost of repairs?
Oh, it's OK we all pay for those.
Gormless tw@t should have been flogged with a stocking full of his cargo before being jailed!

morcus - 20/4/10 at 06:01 PM

I completely disagree with the livelyhood thing, my instructor told me about how If you 'need' your car for your job your less likely to get bans and such but I think it should be the other way around. If you know you need your license for your job you should be more careful, I mean if you were a proffesional pianist you wouldn't risk getting things out of the oven with your bare hands?

JoelP - 20/4/10 at 06:39 PM

very true. A similar policy that has gone terribly wrong is the idea not to persue bikes that dont stop if they arent wearing a helmet. Sounds noble, except kids now know that if they want to ride a bike illegally, they have to leave the helmet at home to avoid getting stopped. So more people end up dying on bikes.

This fool would have gotten as many years as Gary Hart if he had derailed the train. I dont think its right that just because he got lucky he saved himself those 5 years.