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Dax rush for £75k
Jon Ison - 4/2/14 at 10:21 PM

All moulds, jigs, demo car all on eBay for £75k. Anyone fancy it?

nick205 - 4/2/14 at 10:40 PM

Given the post the other day about DJ Sportscars long serving chief engineer (Tojeiro designer IIRC) parting company and setting up on his own, does this mean the company is in trouble?

INDY BIRD - 4/2/14 at 10:49 PM

Just a bit, been struggling for a while,

Don't think they have sold a rush in a long time,

Also they don't own the rights to sell the rush, the drawings and patents are owned by another party so not much to sell really,

All sad for the kit car industry

nick205 - 4/2/14 at 10:54 PM

Not much fun for all involved

Hope the Rush continues in some form, always struck me as a well engineered car and one with a strong character of its own.

Jon Ison - 4/2/14 at 11:03 PM

Originally posted by INDY BIRD
Just a bit, been struggling for a while,

Don't think they have sold a rush in a long time,

Also they don't own the rights to sell the rush, the drawings and patents are owned by another party so not much to sell really,

All sad for the kit car industry

eBay add don't read that way, can't master links on phone if someone can add a link?

40inches - 4/2/14 at 11:24 PM

AndyW - 5/2/14 at 10:41 AM

nice looking car, although the roll bar always looked strange and odd to me. Pity, another make bites the dust.

Nick DV - 5/2/14 at 11:55 AM

Originally posted by nick205 .................always struck me as a well engineered car and one with a strong character of its own.

Hmmmmmmmmm, really.........................

[Edited on 5/2/14 by Nick DV]

nick205 - 5/2/14 at 03:17 PM

Originally posted by Nick DV
Originally posted by nick205 .................always struck me as a well engineered car and one with a strong character of its own.

Hmmmmmmmmm, really.........................

[Edited on 5/2/14 by Nick DV]

Yup, I've always like the look of it.

Nick DV - 5/2/14 at 03:32 PM

Originally posted by nick205
Originally posted by Nick DV
Originally posted by nick205 .................always struck me as a well engineered car and one with a strong character of its own.

Hmmmmmmmmm, really.........................

[Edited on 5/2/14 by Nick DV]

Yup, I've always like the look of it.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder I suppose To be fair, it's not a bad looking car - I built one after all - but hindsight being 20/20 and all that, if I had my time again, I'd build something different