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Going to court
Andi - 24/10/09 at 11:28 AM

A few months ago me and the wife were off to Norway to visit friends. Got a taxi to the train station and watched this idiot in a big 4x4 reverse out of a slot between 2 parked cars. He pulled his left hand down on the steering wheel and crunched into a BMW on his right.
Oops! We thought and probably would have left it at that. But then to our amazement he didnt pull forward and re ajust. He revved the a**se off it and began pulling backwards again, lifting the beemer on 2 wheels. The missus ran over and shouted him to stop but he just kept going on til he had trashed the left hand side from front to back. He then calmy adjusted his wing mirror and drove off. Im sure this guy didnt know how to drive.
Anyway we put a note on the sorry looking beemer with our phone number on and went off on jollies.
A few weeks later old bill rang and wanted to come round for a chat. Also a Scottish guy rang to say thanks (beemer owner)
We gave a statement and thought that would be it. Now we have just had a bloody summons.
I dont want to go to court but I will, that guy is a dangerous idiot. But I cant stop thinking should i have bothered.
What would you have done????

SALAD - 24/10/09 at 11:35 AM

I would have done the same as you, possibly would have called the police if I wasn't going on holiday. That bloke is an idiot and deserves to get done.

Guinness - 24/10/09 at 11:38 AM

I would have done exactly the same thing. Imagine if that had been your parked car and some twat trashed it and drove off.

You've done nothing wrong, you're not on trial, you are giving evidence. Have a chat through with the Mrs, get your facts / story right. Expect a bit of cross examination, but overall it's not very scary.

I did two weeks Jury Service at Crown Court a few years back, and the witnesses are well looked after and treated well by the courts and lawyers. It's not like you see in films.


adithorp - 24/10/09 at 11:42 AM

I'd have done the same and so should anybody else. The incovieniance of going to court is unfortunate, but thats the price we pay for law and order (before you say "what law+order?" read on).

How many times have you heard people complain that nothing gets done about crime? The public turning the other cheek is why the police often can't do anything.

I'd see about getting your expences paid, if not by the court then by the BMW's insurers.


speedyxjs - 24/10/09 at 12:01 PM

I would have also done the same. Im amazed he didnt stop. I hope he gets all he deserves

richardlee237 - 24/10/09 at 12:05 PM

You have absolutely done the right thing.

Law and order is the responsibilty of everyone not just the police.

Well done, and I hope they make it hurt for him.

BenB - 24/10/09 at 12:08 PM

Nice to see someone standing up for decent behaviour.

Says a lot about 4*4 drivers.....

lsdweb - 24/10/09 at 12:21 PM


You are doing the right thing! Well done to you.

Just go to court, tell the truth and relax in the comfort of knowing you are doing your bit!


nitram38 - 24/10/09 at 12:55 PM

You can also claim for reasonable loss of earnings

locogeoff - 24/10/09 at 01:05 PM

Originally posted by BenB
Says a lot about 4*4 drivers.....

Says a lot about you

Nobber would probably do it in any large vehicle, he doesn't care about his property or anyone elses for that matter, probably has an issue about people parking opposite his drive, nae excuse mind, a nobbers a nobber.

[Edited on 24/10/09 by locogeoff]

need4speed - 24/10/09 at 01:22 PM

I witnessed a similar incident (no were near as much damage) in a multi story car park, car moved to next floor up and park right in front of me so I left a note. It turned out to be a family member of a police man so it never got to court but I got a nice thank you note from the lady who owned the car that was hit.

You did the right thing.

gottabedone - 24/10/09 at 01:26 PM


Too right you're doing the right thing - how many times have we all gone back to our cars in B&Q to find them damaged and no Tw@t in sight with either an apology or a cheque book

Get a copy of your statement before you go into court so that you can get your head straight with what you said to the Police. It will be scary and a bit intimidating but it's worth it - bit like a job interview.
Let us know how it goes!



02GF74 - 24/10/09 at 01:57 PM

yer daft bollock, ofcourse you done the right thing. respec

it's a day off work and you may even get some tea and biccies!!


scotlad - 24/10/09 at 02:19 PM

Yup well done you!!! defo right thing to do.

Bluemoon - 24/10/09 at 02:38 PM

Treat it as an adventure/day out nothing to worry about just make sure you claim any expenses you can to cover you costs..


Andi - 24/10/09 at 04:00 PM

Brilliant stuff, thanks for your support guys
I have this nagging suspicion that the chap we see in court may not be the driver as Im pretty sure he could not drive.
We will see.

mistergrumpy - 24/10/09 at 04:31 PM

In giving a statement you are agreeing to attend court. I always make that clear to people when I have to take them and inform them about witness support etc. because if you get to the end of writing it all and they say they won't go to court then you've just wasted a load of time scribbling like a fool.
I really wouldn't worry about it. You've definitely done the right thing and what happens a lot is that when they turn up with their solicitor and they see that you've bothered your arse to come, they cough up and you don't even have to enter the courtroom (which can be quite frustrating i itself).
Good on you for doing the right thing.